Faculty Directory

Faculty Administrative offices are located at the Health Education Campus (HEC) at 9501 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland. Faculty Research offices are located at the Health Research Campus (HRC) at 2120 Cornell Road, Cleveland. Please note the office location of the faculty member you are trying to reach.

Name Title Phone Office Email
Aaron, Siobhan Assistant Professor 216.368.5748 HEC: 231R sxh816@case.edu
Alfes, Celeste Professor

Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
368.4812 HEC: 469G cms11@case.edu
Al Moghrabi, Hannoud Assistant Professor 368.6304 HEC: 231L hma11@case.edu
Banks, Kristina Instructor 368.1906 HEC: 443P klb29@case.edu
Beach, Elizabeth Instructor 368.5128 HEC 443J exo66@case.edu
Bernhofer, Esther Associate Professor 368.8850 HEC: 463G eib3@case.edu
Bibro, Christopher Instructor 368.1803 HEC: 239C cmb207@case.edu
Brooks, Latina Associate Professor

Director, MSN and DNP Programs
368.1196 HEC: 239L lmb3@case.edu
Bukowy, Brooks Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program     bxb370@case.edu
Burant, Chris Associate Professor 368.0730 HEC: 233C cxb43@case.edu
Campana, Angela Instructor 368.0480 HEC 443F amc474@case.edu
Capper, Beverly Assistant Professor

Director, BSN Program


HEC: 443V bjc40@case.edu
Carnish, Carli Instructor

Assistant Director, BSN Program, Clinical Coordination
368.1870 HEC: 443S cac43@case.edu
Carter, Kristin Instructor 368.5980 HEC 463A khc44@case.edu
Cheeseman, Karen Instructor   HEC: 463C kmc205@case.edu
Click, Elizabeth Associate Professor 368.5790 HEC: 441C erc10@case.edu
Contrera, Margaret Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program 444.2779   contrem@ccf.org
Cushing, Mary Instructor 368.0221 HEC: 239B mrc182@case.edu
DeHaan, Mary Instructor

Assistant Director, BSN Program, Curriculum
368.6554 HEC: 443Q mtd6@case.edu
Del Valle, Juan Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program      
Dolansky, Mary Associate Professor

The Sarah C. Hirsh Professorship
368.0568 HEC: 359M
HRC: 230C
Douglas, Sara Professor

The Gertrude Perkins Oliva Professorship in Oncology Nursing

HEC: 231G
HRC: 3090

Duffy, Evelyn Professor

The Florence Cellar Professor of Gerontological Nursing

Associate Director of the University Center on Aging and Health
368.5485 HEC: 231D exd4@case.edu
Fitzpatrick, Joyce Professor

The Elizabeth Brooks Ford Professorship in Perioperative Nursing

Distinguished University Professor
368.2543 HEC: 451M HRC: 219C jjf4@case.edu
Gajkowski, Laurine Instructor 368.5337 HEC: 443M lag6@case.edu
Galeski, Janine Instructor 368.0652 HEC: 459L jxs522@case.edu
Gallagher, John Professor 368.0593 HEC 459K jjg177@case.edu
Gary, Faye Professor

The Medical Mutual of Ohio Kent W. Clapp Professorship in Nursing
368.5240 HEC: 231P HRC: 304E fxg21@case.edu
Grendow, Miko Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program     grendom@ccf.org
Griggs, Stephanie Associate Professor 368.5518 HRC: 302G sag153@case.edu
Gron, Judith Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program     gronj@ccf.org
Grosh, Marie Instructor 368.8607 HEC: 463B mdg89@case.edu
Gype, Kristin Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program      
Haehn, Bonnie Instructor

Manager, Center for Nursing Education, Simulation and Innovation
  HEC: 463H bsh55@case.edu
Hayes, Me'Chelle Instructor 368.0128 HEC: 441G mlh178@case.edu
Henrich, Christina Instructor 368.5493 HEC: 451E cmh180@case.edu
Hickman, Ronald Professor

Associate Dean for Research

The Ruth M. Anderson Professorship
HEC: 368.2147 HRC: 368.1227 HEC: 463L HRC: 221A rlh4@case.edu
Honsky, Jesse Assistant Professor

Director of Post-Master's DNP Program
368.8896 HEC: 233H jkh50@case.edu
Horvat Davey, Christine Assistant Professor 368.5352 HEC: 459B
HRC: 207
Hsiao, Chao-Pin Associate Professor 368.3343

HEC: 451G HRC: 3120

Irani, Elliane Assistant Professor 368.0437 HEC: 463J
HRC 302F
Jackson, Molly Associate Professor 368.4788 HEC: 459M mjj22@case.edu
Jenkins, Jenna Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program      
Juratovac, Evanne Assistant Professor 368.6688 HEC: 451K exj11@case.edu
Kaniecki, David Instructor 368.2479

HEC: 463B

Kelley, Carol Associate Professor 368.8855
HEC: 239E cxg11@case.edu
Kelling, Connie Instructor 368.5305 HEC: 443D csk12@case.edu
Killion, Cheryl Associate Professor 368.0462 HEC: 231A cmk61@case.edu
King, Craig Instructor 368.5983 HEC: 443K cdk46@case.edu
Kinney, Janna Instructor 368.6509 HEC: 461H jdk174@case.edu
Kline, Melissa Assistant Professor

The Joann Zlotnick Glick Endowed Professorship in Community Health Nursing
Lewis, Judith Instructor

Assistant Director, Nurse Anesthesia Program
368.6335 HEC: 239F jml295@case.edu
Lindell, Deborah Professor

The Marvin E. and Ruth Durr Denekas Chair
368.3740 HEC: 451F dxl41@case.edu
Lower, Amy Instructor 368.8593 HEC: 443F adl90@case.edu
Loyke, Julie Instructor   HEC 459Q jal322@case.edu
Marek, Jane Assistant Professor 368.0125 HEC: 459N jfm2@case.edu
Massoli, Kathleen Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program     Massolk@ccf.org
Mazanec, Susan Associate Professor

The Arline H. and Curtis F. Garvin Professorship in Nursing Excellence


HEC: 459X
HRC: 315D
McDonald, Patricia Assistant Professor 368.3345 HEC: 459F pxm9@case.edu
Meyer, Kylie Assistant Professor 368.1928 HEC: 233B knm77@case.edu
Milligan, Sarah Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program      
Milosh, Angela Instructor

Director, Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program
444.6951 HEC: 231B milosha@ccf.org
Mohney, Catherine Instructor 368.5161 HEC: 443G cbm8@case.edu
Moore, Scott Emory Assistant Professor 368.1939 HEC: 459E sem167@case.edu
Moore, Sonya Assistant Professor

Director, Nurse Anesthesia Program
368.5999 HEC: 239A sdm37@case.edu
Morris, Diana Associate Professor

Interim Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

The Arline H. and Curtis F. Garvin Professorship in Nursing

Executive Director, University Center on Aging & Health
368.6472 HEC: 471U dlm5@case.edu
Musil, Carol Dean


The Edward J. and Louise Mellen Professorship in Nursing
368.2545 HEC: 471E cmm4@case.edu
Nader, Susan Instructor      
Nicholson, Jennifer


Assistant Clinical Program Director, Nurse Anesthesia Program

368.3689 HEC: 239F jln43@case.edu
Nikstenas, Colleen Instructor 368.1203 HEC: 443L cmn@case.edu
O'Connell, Grant Associate Professor 368.0850 HEC: 463F gco6@case.edu
Painter, Susan Assistant Professor 368.5338 HEC: 463C sgp30@case.edu
Patton, Rebecca Assistant Professor

The Lucy Jo Atkinson Professorship in Perioperative Nursing
368.3125 HEC: 451L rmp9@case.edu
Pignatiello, Grant Assistant Professor 368.4480

HRC: 302E HEC: 459D

Plow, Matthew Associate Professor 368.8969 HEC: 451B map208@case.edu
Quinn Griffin, Mary Professor

Associate Dean for Global Affairs

The May L. Wykle Professorship
368.1920 HEC: 451L mtq2@case.edu
Reimer, Andrew Associate Professor 368.7570 HEC: 459A axr62@case.edu
Roanleigh, Katherine Instructor      
Rossi, Andrea M. Instructor   HEC: 451H axa503@case.edu
Savrin, Carol Associate Professor 368.5304 HEC: 451D cls18@case.edu
Schiltz, Nicholas Assistant Professor 368.5626 HEC: 459H nks8@case.edu
Schreiner, Nathanial Assistant Professor

Director, MN Program
368.8629 HEC: 443X njs90@case.edu
Severin, Dana Instructor   HEC 459S djs316@case.edu
Sfiligoj, Rita Assistant Professor 368.3108 HEC: 459C rms184@case.edu
Showers, Ashley Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program 445-7241   showera@ccf.org
Smith, Ethan Instructor      
Still, Carolyn

Assistant Professor

The Kate Hanna Harvey Professorship in Community Health Nursing

Assistant Dean for Research

368.6338 HEC: 459J cwh11@case.edu
Stroud, Leslie Instructor

Director, Nurse-Midwifery Program
368.5814 HEC: 459P laf11@case.edu
Toly, Valerie Associate Professor

The Carl W. and Margaret Davis Walter Professorship in Pediatric Nursing
368.3082 HEC: 231H vab@case.edu
Trimble, Emily Instructor

Program Clinical Coordinator, FPB Nurse Anesthesia Program
368.0221 HEC: 239B elt39@case.edu
Wagner, Monica Assistant Professor 368.0505 HEC: 231J maw269@case.edu
Warner, Camille Assistant Professor

Associate Dean for Enrichment and Engagement
368.8701 HEC: 469F cdb6@case.edu
Wenzell, Megan (Alder) Assistant Professor 368.2787 HEC 233E
Winkelman, Chris Associate Professor 368.0700 HEC: 451J cxw26@case.edu
Wong, Shannon Instructor 368.5128 HEC: 463E scw77@case.edu
Zauszniewski, Jaclene Professor

Interim PhD Program Director

The Catherine Seibyl BSN, MSN, MPH Professorship in Nursing, research and Caregiving
368.3612 HEC: 239H
HRC: 318C
Zhang, Amy Associate Professor 368.0968 HEC: 451M axz16@case.edu

Adjunct Faculty

Shanina C. Knighton, PhD, RN, CIC — Adjunct Associate Professor

Post-Doctoral Fellows

  • Kyungmi Lee, PhD, RN
  • Maura McCall, PhD, RN

Clinical Faculty

  • Linda Everett, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN — Clinical Professor
  • Airica Steed, EdD, MBA, RN, CSSMBB, FACHE, IASSC — MetroHealth Clinical Professor
  • Robert Grabowski, DNP, APRN-CNP, AGACNP-BC, CPNP-AC, CEN, CCRN, CFRN, CMTE, EMT-P — MetroHealth Clinical Instructor
  • Micaela McSpadden, MSN-Ed, RN, CNE, CNOR — MetroHealth Clinical Lecturer
  • Regina Sawyer, DNP, RN, CMGT-BC, NE-BC, PHM — MetroHealth Clinical Lecturer
  • John Craker, DNP, RN, CRNA, MBA — University Hospitals Clinical Instructor
  • Britney Dobroka, DNP, RN, CRNA — University Hospitals Clinical Instructor
  • Kurt Mueller, ND, MSN, RN, CRNA — University Hospitals Clinical Instructor
  • Abby Myers, MSN, RN, CNM — University Hospitals Clinical Instructor
  • Colleen Thaxton Spencer, DNP, RN, CRNA — University Hospitals Clinical Instructor
  • Melissa Beck, MSN, RN, CRN — University Hospitals Clinical Lecturer
  • Elizabeth Demko, DNP, RN, CRNA — University Hospitals Clinical Lecturer
  • Marie King, MSN, RN, CRNA — University Hospitals Clinical Lecturer
  • Sarah Porter, MSN, RN, CRNA — University Hospitals Clinical Lecturer
  • Shirley Sternen, MSN, RN, CRNA — University Hospitals Clinical Lecturer
  • Steven Surace, MSN, RN, CRNA — University Hospitals Clinical Lecturer

Emerita Faculty

Submit new biography information or changes using this Google Form or contact Matthew Merchant, internal communications manager, at mcm263@case.edu.

Faculty Count

Professors (11), Associate Professors (17), Assistant Professors (30), Instructors (40)