Baroque Dance Seminar

Photo of students in a dance interlude
In one of the dance interludes choreographed by Julie Andrijeski, sailors celebrate the homecoming of their king. From left: Elena Mullins (GRS ’15), a part-time lecturer in CWRU’s Department of Music and director of the Early Music Singers; Dean Southern, director of CIM’s Opera Theater Program; Anna O’Connell, a master’s student in historical per
Dr. Julie Andrijeski
Course Number
MUHI 342/442
Rehearsal Day/Time
MW (class) and F (dance lab), 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Rehearsal Location
G20 MPAC (or Harkness Chapel)


The Case Western Reserve University Baroque Dance Ensemble was formed to provide an outlet for students to learn and perform 17th- and 18th-century dance. 

Instructor: Dr. Julie Andrijeski, Head of Historical Performance Program

Here’s a link to a video of our performance with the Baroque Dance Ensemble during the 2021 Virtual Young Performers Festival: