Requires audition.
The Baroque Chamber Ensembles are open to undergraduate and graduate music students at CWRU and CIM who have participated in at least one semester of Baroque Orchestra. Diverse groups (6-8 per semester) ranging in size from three to eight players meet one to two hours per week to explore repertoire ranging from the late 16th century to ca. 1800. This year’s projects include Bach arias, 17th-century Italian instrumental and vocal music, and works by Corelli and Purcell. The ensembles generally perform one to three concerts per semester. Oftentimes the chamber ensembles collaborate in larger projects with other CWRU ensembles such as the Baroque Orchestra, Collegium, and the Baroque Dance Ensemble. By audition only. (MUEN 393)
Director: Dr. Julie Andrijeski, Head of Historical Perf Prac
- Baroque Chamber Ensembles is open to all CWRU students in Historical Perf Prac and CWRU/CIM students who have been in the Baroque Orchestra for at least one semester by audition.
- Auditions are held the first week of the semester during the class meeting time.
Enrollment permissions are granted in the Student Information System (SIS) following a successful audition or during the first week of class. Once course permissions have been granted, students should return to their SIS account to register in the appropriate MUEN course(s). The Drop/Add Period ends on the 2nd Friday of each semester.