Match Day 2025

Match Day is arguably one of the most anticipated days in a medical student’s journey to becoming a physician. Through the National Resident Matching Programevery medical student in the U.S. learns the results of their residency program placements at the same time. The reveal happens on Friday, March 21, at noon EDT.

A few Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine students shared their stories ahead of the big day. Responses have been lightly edited for clarity and space.

Watch the livestream at 11:30 a.m. on March 21, 2025. 


Sami Fares

Meaghan MacRae and Sami Fares
Sami Fares (right) with Meaghan MacRae

What specialty are you hoping to match?

General Surgery

What drew you to this specialty?

I love the variety of surgical specialties that the residents get to train in. Operating is such a rewarding experience and is the coolest job in the world to me.

How will you celebrate match day?

With my partner, Meaghan MacRae (see below), who I am couples matching with and lots of friends and family. Excited to see where everyone ends up!

How do you feel Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has prepared you for this next step?

What really set CWRU School of Medicine apart, in my opinion, was the early patient interactions and career exploration opportunities. For a long time, I was undecided on what career path I was hoping to take, but CWRU made that process so much smoother, all while delivering a fantastic clinical and interpersonal education.

Tommy Gautier

Tommy Gautier and friend skydiving out of an airplane

What specialty are you hoping to match?

Emergency medicine

What drew you to this specialty?

I love the undifferentiated patient—I feel like a detective every time I get a new patient off the board, and I love making a crazy rare or weird diagnosis in the department. Plus, it’s amazingly rewarding to be able to perform interventions that help people immediately (I understand why surgeons love to heal with steel!).

How will you celebrate match day?

A series of increasingly large dinners and parties until I explode.

How do you feel Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has prepared you for this next step?

Great training, great elective opportunity and amazing friends!

Renae Lyons with cat

Renae Lyons

What specialty are you hoping to match?


What drew you to this specialty?

I want to be able to care for patients in all stages of life, and I love the way that med-peds doctors approach problems and patient care. All the med-peds residents and faculty I was able to work with in my clinical years were so curious, kind and passionate about education; I wanted to be part of that culture, too!

How will you celebrate match day?

My parents are coming down from Michigan for the match day ceremony! They are really excited.

How do you feel Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has prepared you for this next step? 

The students, residents, and faculty at Case have been the biggest factor in preparing me for residency. There are so many amazing educators who have supported me throughout med school and shown me what it means to be a physician, particularly in the Metro Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship program. My peers are so smart and passionate; they’ve made me a better person and medical student.

Meaghan MacRae and Sami Fares
Meaghan MacRae (right) with Sami Fares (matching as a couple)

Meaghan MacRae

What specialty are you hoping to match?

Emergency Medicine

What drew you to this specialty?

I'm drawn to Emergency Medicine because I love the fast-paced, team-oriented environment of the emergency department (ED). I enjoy working with undifferentiated patients and appreciate the opportunity to engage in social advocacy while caring for underserved populations in the ED.

How will you celebrate match day?

With my family and one of my best friends, who is coming to Cleveland to celebrate—and, of course, with my classmates.

How do you feel Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has prepared you for this next step? 

Extremely well! The focus on self-directed, team-based learning and patient-centered care has prepared my classmates and me well to thrive in whatever specialty we match into.

Victoria Nedder

Victoria Nedder

What specialty are you hoping to match?

Orthopedic surgery

What drew you to this specialty?

I was a gymnast growing up, and I had several sports injuries that initially sparked my interest in orthopedics. As I went through my education and explored various specialties, I continued to be drawn to orthopedics, and there was no other specialty I enjoyed nearly as much. Seeing patients in clinic come in with significant pain or diminished quality of life and being able to offer them solutions that can very tangibly improve their function is really meaningful and something I hope to be able to do for my patients in the future. I also love the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system, especially the hand and I love being in the operating room and the variety of cases you can see in orthopedics.

How will you celebrate match day?

My fiancé and my parents are in town for the weekend, so we’re going to have a nice dinner and enjoy spending time together!

How do you feel Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has prepared you for this next step? 

The pre-clinical curriculum set me up with a strong understanding of the various aspects of medicine, but also always maintained clinical relevance. I felt excited and prepared to start seeing patients on my rotations when that time came, and the school’s emphasis on a broad differential diagnosis and reasoning through patient cases has helped me hone the skills I need to see and evaluate patients when I start residency. I also really respect the school’s commitment to teaching us to be humans first and engage kindly and empathetically with our patients. I have taken that into every patient encounter I have had so far, and I feel grateful that empathy was emphasized so much in my medical school curriculum. I believe that is one of the most important skills I will take with me into residency—being a good listener for my patients and fostering positive, supportive physician-patient relationships.

Amber Olson

Amber Olson

What specialty are you hoping to match?


What drew you to this specialty?

Being a pediatrician is truly my dream! After overcoming childhood obesity, I knew I wanted to care for and advocate for children facing similar health challenges. Kids are incredibly resilient and inspiring, and the opportunity to positively shape the next generation is so exciting. I love that pediatrics emphasizes family-centered education and clinical care, which has always been a priority for me. It’s also the perfect field to pursue my passions in public health and advocacy because every child deserves a voice.

How will you celebrate match day?

I can't wait to celebrate Match Day with my fiancé, family, and friends! I’m incredibly lucky to have a whole squad coming into town—including my parents, three brothers, grandmother, aunts, and cousin. We’re starting the festivities with Round 1 of March Madness at Rocket Arena, and later in the weekend, we plan to do a family escape room and eat our way through my favorite Cleveland restaurants.

How do you feel Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has prepared you for this next step? 

Our medical school has really allowed me to pursue all of my passions to the fullest extent. In addition to amazing clinical training, I’ve had the mentorship and autonomy to engage in advocacy and research in the areas that mean the most to me. I plan to continue these pursuits throughout residency. Along the way, I’ve also had the privilege of meeting incredible friends and future colleagues who will continue to inspire and motivate me as I move forward in my career.

Chris Varlamos

Chris Varlamos

What specialty are you hoping to match?

Internal Medicine

What drew you to this specialty?

I had a feeling I was interested in internal medicine after Block 4 (cardio, pulm, renal) in my first year of medical school. I loved learning about the nuanced interplay between organ systems, and I was fascinated by physiology and the seemingly endless list of pathologies. However, it wasn't until my internal medicine clerkship in my third year of medical school that it really clicked for me that I wanted to pursue internal medicine. I loved being the center of care for a patient and feeling like I was uniquely equipped to advocate for them, I enjoyed encountering diagnostic mysteries and forming broad differentials, and honestly, I loved rounding. Internal medicine felt like a no-brainer.

How will you celebrate match day?

I will be celebrating with my partner, my family, my friends and all my classmates here at the HEC!

How do you feel Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has prepared you for this next step? 

Choosing to attend the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has been one of the best decisions I have made for my medical education—from the supportive and collegial learning environment, to the robust clinical training, to the abundance of mentors readily available here. It is truly an outstanding place to learn, train, and grow as a person and future physician. I feel immensely prepared to move on to the next steps in my medical education, but I will never forget the lessons learned and the good times had at Case Western Reserve!