Medical Student Handbook


The information and policies contained in this handbook apply to students in the WR2/University Program of the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Students enrolled in the Lerner College Program (LCP) are referred to the LCP handbook. WR2/University Program and LCP students are covered by the general policies of Case Western Reserve University which apply to all students at the University.

This publication has the limited purpose of providing information concerning the programs of the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. This publication should not be construed as an offer or contract between the University and any person. The University has the right to amend, add, or delete any information in this publication, including any course of study, program fee, or regulation of the University. Policies and regulations listed in this handbook are subject to change at any time throughout the academic year. Announcements of such changes are made on a routine basis within the University and the School of Medicine. 

Further information regarding policies, programs, and support services can be found at the following sites:

§   School of Medicine Office of Student Affairs
§   School of Medicine Office of the Registrar
§   CCLCM Portal Login Page

This Student Handbook is intended to provide a general overview, rather than an exhaustive description of student rights and responsibilities. It is the responsibility of each student to become familiar with all appropriate policies of the University and the School of Medicine, which are subject to review and revision.

Other sources of information include:

§   University Policies 
§   University General Bulletin

University Code of Conduct

The University Code of Conduct covers behavioral expectations for all students including undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. This policy covers the following:

  • Acts of dishonesty
  • Disruption, tampering, misuse, or obstruction
  • Inappropriate treatment of others
  • Theft, damage, vandalism, or littering
  • Hazing
  • Failure to comply with directions
  • Unauthorized access
  • Violation of any University policy, rule, or regulation
  • Violation of any federal, state, or local law
  • Drugs, narcotics, or other controlled substances
  • Alcohol policy
  • CWRU Tobacco-free policy
  • Guest responsibility
  • Weapons policy
  • Participating in a demonstration, riot, or activity that unreasonably disrupts
  • Gambling
  • Violation of the University fire safety policy
  • Conduct that is disorderly, lewd, indecent, breach of peace, in violation of residence hall quiet hours or courtesy hours
  • Theft or other abuse of computer facilities and resources
  • Abuse of conduct system

Statement of Ethics

Universities seek to preserve, disseminate, and advance knowledge.  At Case Western Reserve University, as elsewhere, we recognize that the ability to fulfill these purposes requires a norm of expected conduct shared by all in the University community and governed by truthfulness, openness to new ideas, and consideration for the individual rights of others, including the right to hold and express opinions different from our own.

The University’s mission rests on the premise of intellectual honesty in the classroom, the laboratory, the office, and the solitary examination desk.  Without a prevailing ethic of honor and integrity, not only in scientific pursuits, but in all scholarly activity, the very search for knowledge is impaired.  In these respects, each of us – especially, but not exclusively, faculty – must regard oneself as a mentor for others.

These principles which we strive to uphold make it possible for the larger society to place trust in the degrees we confer, the research we produce, the scholarship we represent and disseminate, and the critical assessments we make of the performance of students and faculty, as well as judgments of staff and administrators.

To safeguard the standards on which we all depend, each of us must therefore accept individual responsibility for our behavior and our work and refrain from taking credit for the work of others.

The culture of a university also requires that the rights of all be protected, particularly by those entrusted with authority for judgment of the work of others.

The University, being a human community, is subject to human failings, ambiguities, and errors.  It is therefore the responsibility of the bodies regulating the affairs of faculty, students, and staff to maintain processes for judging and resolving instances where these principles may have been violated.  All such systems depend for their effectiveness, in turn, on the acceptance of common norms of conduct – the ties of trust which bind the University community together.

View University Policies.

Notice of Nondiscrimination

Case Western Reserve University prohibits sex- and gender-based discrimination in its education programs and activities, as well as retaliation for asserting the right to be free from such discrimination, in accordance with federal law, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681). Sex- and gender-based discrimination includes discrimination based on sex, pregnancy, parental status, gender identity or expression, transgender identity, and sexual orientation. Sex- or gender-based discrimination also includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, sex-based stalking, sexual exploitation, and dating violence or domestic violence.

The Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equity is responsible for implementing the policy prohibiting sex- and gender-based discrimination.

Anyone impacted by sex- or gender-based discrimination, or who knows of others impacted by sex- or gender-based discrimination, and who would like to report discrimination or seek support for themselves or others, may contact the Title IX Coordinator by telephone, email, text message, or in person during regular business hours, or through the online Office of Equity forms below.

Rachel E. Lutner, Vice President of Equity and Title IX Coordinator
Main Office Phone: 216-368-3066
Text or Call Title IX Coordinator: 216.327.4160

Online forms to report sex- or gender-based discrimination:

Campus Location: 

Nursing Research Building
2120 Cornell Road
Suite 1180
Cleveland, OH 44106

Mailing Address: 

10900 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44106-7108

Student Admission & Enrollment

Office of Admissions

The Office of Admissions oversees the application and selection process for the School of Medicine entering class each academic year. The School of Medicine's admissions process uses a balanced and holistic approach that considers an applicant's academic metrics, experiences, and personal attributes to achieve the educational benefits of a diverse student body and future physician workforce.

HEC Samson Pavilion Room 111

Office of Financial Aid

The Office of Financial Aid assists students in obtaining loans, grants, and scholarships from federal, private, and school sources. Financial Aid staff works closely with students and their families to obtain funds from available financial aid resources for their medical education. 

HEC Samson Pavilion Room 111

Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar for the School of Medicine maintains the active and permanent academic record for students in the MD, PA, and MSA programs and is responsible for registering students and for processing elective and clerkship registrations and add/drops, withdrawals, and recording final and permanent grades. 

HEC Samson Pavilion Room 413E

Faculty/Admin Access to a Medical Student’s Educational Records

At the School of Medicine, the Dean and Vice Dean for Medical Education, the Executive Dean of the CCLCM, the Associate Deans of Student Affairs, and the student’s Society Dean are the institutional officials who are authorized to examine or review student academic records as maintained by the School of Medicine Registrar, without the student’s consent. The School of Medicine Registrar reviews and approves all requests to review a student’s academic record so that they are available only to those individuals who are permitted to review the record.

OSHA Training & HIPAA Training

An Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) presentation is provided during first-year orientation by the CWRU Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) department. The composite presentation includes Hazard Communication and Biosafety Training and Laboratory Standard. Attendance at the initial in-person training is a requirement. Students who miss the in-person training need to contact EHS to schedule an individual training session. For questions regarding training requirements or to schedule a training session, please see the EHS website. CWRU medical students must remain current on all required OSHA trainings; re-training is required annually for Hazard Communication and Biosafety Training, but after the first in-person session, the re-training can be completed online. Students will receive an annual email reminder from EHS to complete the re-training. First-year students must complete Formaldehyde Training online shortly after orientation and does not require annual re-training. Medical Students who work in research laboratories must complete any other training required by the individual research group. (This does not apply to Clinical Laboratories.) Medical school instructors are charged, under the OSHA standards, to provide additional training on the use of personal protective equipment and other methods to mitigate the risks of hazard exposures when students are working in these labs (such as gross anatomy) and other times as appropriate. Affiliate hospitals can provide mask-fit training for clinical activity.

HIPAA Training: HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) training is provided to students as a part of new student orientation. The training is valid for the students’ first two medical school years only. Rotation coordinators will provide information about hospital-specific HIPAA training to students beginning their clinical years.

Related Policies

Curriculum Overview

Office of Curricular Affairs

The Office of Curricular Affairs (OCA) oversees and supports curriculum development and implementation, and resources management related to these activities. The mission of the OCA is to build a collaboration of faculty, staff, and students that is committed to the development and support of teaching and learning at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. 

OCA's website lists all members, including leadership, pre-clerkship Block Leaders, Clinical Clerkship Directors, and support staff.

The following email alias addresses are available for students with questions or concerns: 

IQ Program: 
Physical Diagnosis and Inpatient Programs: 
Research & Scholarship: 

Western Reserve2 Curriculum

The Western Reserve2 (WR2) Curriculum at Case Western Reserve University emphasizes self-directed learning and prepares students to address health in a comprehensive way. Integrating basic science, clinical practice, and health systems, it encourages evidence-based and interprofessional approaches. Key components include anatomy using dissection and holograms, early clinical exposure, community-based activities, and a strong focus on research and scholarship throughout the four years. Learn more here.

The Western Reserve2 Curriculum (WR2) has high expectations for self-directed learning and seeks to train physician scholars who are prepared to treat disease, promote health, and examine the social and behavioral context of health and illness. The WR2 Curriculum integrates basic, clinical, and health systems science to prepare students for the ongoing practice of evidence-based medicine in the rapidly changing healthcare environment of the 21st century.

Research and scholarship are central to the curriculum and are integrated throughout the program's four years.  The WR2 Curriculum fosters the development of self-directed, life-long learners with an educational environment that features:

  • Facilitated, student-centered learning teams (Case Inquiry Program) 
  • Large group interactive sessions such as Team-Based Learning or didactic sessions that offer a framework or synthesis of a concept area
  • Anatomy sessions that offer opportunities for dissection and learning using holograms
  • Early and longitudinal clinical skills training
  • Patient-based activities
  • Community-based activities
  • Interprofessional collaboration

For a complete description of the WR2 Curriculum, including curriculum structure, guiding principles, competencies, and pre-clinical and clinical course descriptions, visit the Curriculum website.

Clinical Experiences

The clinical curriculum cuts across all four years of the medical school curriculum and can be divided into two major areas of involvement: Foundations of Clinical Medicine and Core Clinical Rotations. 

The Foundations of Clinical Medicine curriculum runs longitudinally through the pre-clerkship years and consists of Tuesday Seminars, Communications in Medicine, and Physical Diagnosis. Core Clinical Rotations begin after successful completion of the pre-clinical curriculum and consist of clerkships in Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neuroscience, Psychiatry, and Surgery. Students can complete clerkships in either the traditional Block Clinical Rotation schedule, in the MetroHealth Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (MetroLIC) or in the Cleveland Clinic Longitudinal Clerkship (CCLC). 

The scheduling process for clerkships begins 4–6 months in advance, with students submitting preferences for curriculum tracks and being randomly assigned based on capacity and preference. After receiving an initial schedule, students have opportunities to swap schedules and later rank site preferences for clinical rotations, with efforts made to honor first choices within capacity limits. Students with extenuating circumstances or exceptional needs can request alternative assignments by working with their Society Dean or the Clerkship Director to ensure accommodations. Information about the scheduling and reassignment process is provided during class meetings and orientation sessions.

Advanced Clinical and Scientific Studies

Advanced clinical and scientific studies provide students with flexible learning opportunities that support ongoing professional development and residency preparation and planning:

  • Acting Internships are intensive, inpatient experiences featuring primary patient care responsibility and direct reporting relationships with faculty and upper-level residents. Two Acting Internships are required for graduation and can be in any area of study.
  • Students are encouraged to augment their interest in scholarship through rotations and activities that focus on sciences basic to medicine as well as clinical rotations.
  • Students will complete a 2-week transition to residency course (starting with Class of 2025).
  • Students will complete a 2-week education elective (starting with the Class of 2026)

Related Policies


Year 1 and 2 Electives (not required)

First- and Second-year electives are mini-courses sponsored by CWRU faculty and students that occur in the first and second year of the MD program. There is a wide variation in course format. First- and second-year electives are not required to meet graduation requirements and should be scheduled so as not to interfere with core curricular requirements. First- and Second-year electives fall within two categories. The first category includes courses that are valuable enrichment opportunities but are not acknowledged on the transcript. The second category includes courses that meet the Electives Policy criteria and are known as “zero-credit” electives, so named because they are acknowledged on the transcript but for zero credits.  

More Information

Year 3 and 4 Electives (required)

M3 and M4 electives fall within four categories: 1) patient care (clinical); 2) non-patient care; 3) research; and 4) education; they provide opportunities for students to pursue education in areas of personal interest. A description of the elective offerings and expectations for student performance is available in the Elective Catalog provided by the Registrar. Electives may be graded on a pass/fail or tiered grading basis. Any incomplete designations must be rectified. Instructors are encouraged to provide narrative comments on student performance.

Drop Policy: Students must secure their Society Dean's permission to drop an elective. No drops are permitted less than 30 days before the start of an elective rotation unless approval has been granted from the rotation leader or designee. See: Drop/Add Policies (Registrar's Office).

Related Policies

Policy on Domestic External Electives 

Research & Scholarship

Office of Medical Student Research

All MD students are required to participate in research and scholarship as part of their curriculum, supported by the Office of Medical Student Research. This office provides guidance and coordinates opportunities, including a mandatory 12-week research block, additional research electives, and a dedicated research year for interested students. The WR2 Curriculum emphasizes career development through mentored research experiences in areas like basic science research, clinical research, and quality improvement research, culminating in an MD thesis. Students develop critical thinking skills and intellectual tools through courses and projects, enabling them to critically assess literature, formulate research questions, and engage in lifelong learning as physician-scientists.

Dual Degree Programs

Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)

  • Alex Y.C. Huang, MD, PhD, Program Director
  • Heather Broihier, PhD, Deputy Director
  • Agata A. Exner, PhD, Associate Director
  • Kimberly A. McBennett, MD, PhD, Clinical Associate Director
  • Andrew Pieper, MD, PhD, Associate Director
  • David Wald, MD, PhD, Associate Director
  • Diane R. Dowd, PhD, Director of Admin Operations
  • Crista Moeller, Admissions, Enrollment, Alumni Specialist
  • Katherine Donahue, Manager

Nationally known for a curriculum that integrates basic and clinical sciences, the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has provided superior MD/PhD training since 1956 for students aspiring to dual careers in academic medicine and biomedical research. The CWRU Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) has several distinctive features, including:

  • Flexible time during the first two years that allows students to complete most PhD coursework and laboratory rotations;
  • Personalized clinical instruction during the PhD research years;
  • Elective time for special research and clinical experiences in the final year;
  • Emphasis on professional development fostered through individual mentoring and group activities (monthly dinner meeting, retreat, etc.)

Typically, students apply to the programs below after acceptance to the medical school, as there is usually enough time after a medical school acceptance to begin the application process for one of these programs. Please contact the specific program directly to learn more about their processes.


The School of Law and the School of Medicine offer a specialized dual degree program that allows a student to complete both degrees in six years. A student may spend the first two years and the last two years at the medical school, and the two middle years at the law school. For more information about the JD portion of the program, call the law school admissions office.

Email or call 216.368.8700.

Learn more about JD admissions.

MD/MA in Bioethics & Medical Humanities

CWRU is home to one of the nation’s leading bioethics departments. The 27-credit-hour master's degree program, including a 12-hour foundations course taken during the first year of medical school, provides advanced training in bioethics while emphasizing the interdisciplinary and interprofessional nature of the field. In this program, medical students will participate in and contribute to the critical analysis of moral issues related to health, health care, and health policy at local, national and international levels. Medical school students complete the bioethics program while pursuing their medical degrees; no additional time is required.

Contact Marie Norris for more information at or 216.368.8718.

Learn more about bioethics.

MD/MS in Applied Anatomy

Students seeking advanced training in the anatomical sciences may begin the 30-hour master’s degree program in the fall or spring semester of the first year of medical school. Required graduate courses include the anatomical sciences core curriculum, completed during the first two years of medical school, and an advanced surgical anatomy course taken in the fourth year. Students earn the remaining credits through elective courses. Completion of a thesis is not required, but students may undertake independent research experiences as electives; a thesis-based program also is available. Interested medical students must apply to the master’s program through the Department of Anatomy.

Call 216.368.2433 for more information.

Explore the MSAA Program.

MD/MPH Master of Public Health

Graduates of this 5-year, 42-hour master’s degree program are qualified to work in local and state health departments, universities and colleges, hospitals, ambulatory medical centers, non-profit organizations and the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. Areas of concentration include health promotion and disease prevention, population health research, health policy and management, global health, and health informatics.

Email or call 216.368.2601.

Learn more about the public health program.

MD/MS in Biomedical Engineering

Medicine is undergoing a transformation based on the rapid advances in science and technology that are combining to produce more accurate diagnoses, more effective treatments with fewer side effects, and improved ability to prevent disease. The goal of the MD/MS in Biomedical Engineering is to prepare medical graduates to be leaders in the development and clinical deployment of this technology and to partner with others in technology-based translational research teams. Current CWRU medical students in either the University Program (UP) or the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine (CCLCM) may apply to the MD/MS in Engineering program.

Students must complete the normal requirements in either MD program. Portions of the medical school curriculum earn graded credit toward the MD/MS degree. Six credit hours can be applied to the MS component of the joint degree. The balance of 12 credit hours (four courses) must be graduate-level engineering concentration courses that provide rigor and depth in a field of engineering relevant to the area of research. All students attend monthly seminars focusing on the integration of engineering and medicine, with the opportunity to present their own research and to hear and interact with other presenters. Students must also complete training in the responsible conduct of research. The thesis serves a key integration role for the joint degree, with both medical and engineering components. The thesis also fulfills the research requirement of the UP or CCLCM programs.

Email or call 216.368.4063.

MD/MBA in Business Administration

There is a growing need for physicians with business skills to manage organizations such as corporate practices, hospitals, etc. Those who complete this 5-year program will be able to apply learned management principles and take leadership roles as they navigate through varying and increasingly complex healthcare environments.

Email or call 216.368.3450.

Learn more about dual degree programs.

MD/MA in Anthropology

This 4-year dual degree program is an organized course of study for students with a range of medical anthropological interests, from ethnomedicine to international health, urban health, psychiatric anthropology, psychological anthropology, cross-cultural aging, human adaptation and disease, nutritional anthropology, etc. The program is designed for students who wish to pursue anthropology beyond the baccalaureate level and to become acquainted with professional work in anthropology and to meet the challenges of our increasingly globalized world. 

MD Contact: or 216.368.3450
MA Contact: Linda LaPinta, 216.368.2264

Learn more about the MD/MA in Anthropology

Learning Environment

The learning environment at the School of Medicine is designed to foster professionalism, respect, and collaboration while ensuring students receive comprehensive and equitable training. The policies below emphasize the importance of a respectful and inclusive atmosphere, offering clear mechanisms to address concerns. Guidelines on duty hours and pre-clerkship workload ensure a balanced and manageable schedule, promoting student well-being and optimal learning. Resident and fellow participation in teaching supports a robust educational experience, while policies on alternative site assignments and clinical program travel address logistical needs and ensure fairness. Together, these policies create a supportive framework that prioritizes the academic, professional, and personal growth of medical students.

Related Policies

Student Assessment

Student assessment in the WR2 Curriculum is designed to accomplish the following:

  1. Facilitate the types of learning and inquiry that are goals for the WR2 Curriculum;

  2. Ascertain whether students attain the level of mastery necessary for graduation from CWRU School of Medicine; and

  3. Prepare students for the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) USMLE exams.

These three goals are accomplished through multiple different assessment methods. Independent study and inquiry are hallmarks of WR2 through assessment strategies that are formative and summative, focus on the synthesis of concepts, and promote student responsibility for the mastery of skills and material.

General assessment questions can be directed to

Related Policies

Student Promotion

In order to advance in the curriculum and earn the MD degree, students must meet expectations in all curricular assessments and are promoted after each phase by the Committee on Medical Student Promotion and Advancement.

Medical Student Performance Evaluation

All graduating medical students are provided a Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) letter. This is a letter of evaluation, not a letter of recommendation, that is written and compiled in a transparent collaborative process between the student and their Society Dean. MSPEs are uploaded to ERAS by the SOM Registrar and are distributed to residency programs no earlier than the designated release date defined by the ERAS timeline.

The MSPE has several parts: 

  1. Noteworthy Characteristics – This section describes the student’s honors, awards, leadership, and volunteerism activities and highlights the most essential components of a student’s application. It is written collaboratively by the Society Dean and the student. 
  2. Academic History – This section lists the date of matriculation, graduation, dual degree programs, and any repeated courses and adverse actions taken by the school. 
  3. Preclinical Curriculum – The first and second years of medical school are graded pass/fail. Since only students who pass are eligible for an MSPE, this paragraph simply states these facts. 
  4. Dual Degree Programs or Pathway Programs (if applicable) – This section describes any additional degree(s) earned or Pathway programs completed by the student while in medical school. 
  5. Clinical Clerkships & Electives – The third- and fourth-year curriculum is graded Honors, Commendable with Clinical Distinction, Commendable, Satisfactory, or Unsatisfactory, or in some cases, M (Meets Expectations) or DNM (Does not Meet Expectations). This section contains a paragraph for each clinical discipline and lists the grade and summative comments supplied by the clerkship director. 
  6. Research – This section describes the student’s research endeavors, including the required research block. It is written collaboratively by the Society Dean and the student. 
  7. Summary – This is a brief concluding paragraph written by the Society Dean. 
  8. Appendix – These pages describe the curriculum at the CWRU School of Medicine in detail. 

The MSPE is signed by the student’s Society Dean and the Vice Dean for Medical Education. A student may request to work with a Society Dean other than their own to prepare the MSPE. Such a request should be made in writing to the Society Dean whom the student has chosen to prepare the MSPE. Please note that changing the Society Dean who helps prepare the MSPE does not change the formal Society Dean assignment for other advising and monitoring purposes.

Adverse Actions

Adverse actions taken by the institution may appear on a student’s MSPE. In such cases, the decision to annotate the MSPE is determined by the CMSPA.

Student Access to the MSPE

While a draft of the MSPE is in progress, it must be reviewed by the student within the Office of Student Affairs at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, under the supervision of a staff member. If a student wishes to contest an entry in their MSPE, the student must make a request in writing to the Vice Dean for Medical Education.

MSPE Updates

After final MSPE upload to ERAS, the school may issue an update in accordance with the NRMP School Match Code of Conduct: “Medical schools must provide complete, timely, and accurate information about applicant performance on any materials provided to training programs and ensure programs are made aware of any substantive changes in an applicant’s eligibility or graduation status.”

Medical Licensure

Relationship to Licensure

The degree of Doctor of Medicine awarded by Case Western Reserve University is an academic degree and does not provide a legal basis for the practice of medicine. Licensure to practice medicine in the United States and its territories is a privilege granted by the individual licensing authorities of the states and territories. The licensing authority of each individual jurisdiction establishes its policies, eligibility, and requirements for the practice of medicine within its boundaries pursuant to statutory and regulatory provisions. It is the responsibility of each graduate to meet the requirements of the specific state or territory in which they may wish to practice medicine and make certain that their individualized course of study meets the academic requirements of that jurisdiction.

Federation of State Medical Boards

Special Rule for Ohio Licensure (MSTP students take special note)

Current Ohio eligibility requirements for receiving an Ohio license to practice medicine include the passage of USMLE within a ten-year period, achieving a recognized passing performance on each step or level. The State Medical Board of Ohio may grant a good cause waiver to any applicant that does not meet this requirement, if the applicant demonstrates good cause, as determined by the Board, for not having passed all three steps or levels within the ten-year period, and otherwise meets the eligibility requirements set forth by the Board.

State Medical Board of Ohio

MSTP students taking additional time to complete their PhD work and who wish to practice in Ohio may need to request a good cause waiver. They should also note that almost all states have some regulations regarding the time period within which USMLE exams must be passed and may differ in the exceptions they are willing to make. MSTP students should learn the rules applicable in the state in which they plan to practice initially and may consult with the MSTP program office for advice and assistance. 

Student Conduct

As future physicians, medical students are held to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and accountability. This section outlines essential policies that guide student conduct, ensuring that behavior inside and outside the classroom reflects the values of the medical profession. Professional attire policies emphasize the importance of presenting a respectful and competent image to peers, patients, and faculty. Social media guidelines encourage responsible digital communication that maintains confidentiality, professionalism, and personal integrity. Policies on freedom of expression aim to balance open dialogue with respect for diverse perspectives. Expectations regarding drug and alcohol use emphasize health, safety, and the avoidance of behaviors that may compromise academic or clinical responsibilities. Drug testing and criminal background checks are integral to fostering a safe and trustworthy learning environment while aligning with clinical training site requirements. By adhering to these standards, students exemplify the professionalism expected of healthcare leaders.

Student Support

Office of Student Affairs

The Office of Student Affairs at CWRU School of Medicine provides comprehensive student support in well-being, academics, and career planning through a four-year advising curriculum. At matriculation, students are assigned to an academic society and they remain in that society throughout medical school. They develop a longitudinal relationship with a faculty Society Dean and a smaller group of peers. Society Deans serve as primary advisors, assessing and triaging personal, academic, and career planning questions. They offer guidance on residency preparation, academic advancement and USMLE exams, and clinical scheduling. The program fosters a supportive community with small groups to enhance well-being, while career advising programs help students explore specialties and residency options. There is a firewall between advisors and evaluators. Faculty and staff in Student Affairs never complete formal summative assessments of students they advise. If a student wishes to change their Society Dean assignment, they must submit a written request to the Vice Dean for Medical Education.

Academic Advising and Learning Support 

Using evidence-based practices, the Learning Specialist Team supports medical students by offering resources and coaching on test preparation, study skills, and time management. They provide academic support through coaching, Meta Seminars, and individualized learning plans. The Learning Specialist Team manages the Near-Peer Tutoring program, which offers supplemental instruction and exam preparation, including USMLE-style practice sessions. Tutors host review sessions and provide personalized tutoring on curriculum content and study strategies. The learning specialists never complete formal summative assessments of students nor do they contribute to decisions about promotion.

The Consult Tables & Tutoring program provides free academic support to medical students. Services include tutoring for subjects including Block content, gross anatomy, radiology, histopathology, and more, with sessions tailored for different learning modalities such as team-based learning and lectures. Available weekly in the Health Education Campus, tutoring supports pre-clinical curriculum blocks and expands as each block progresses. Faculty and student leaders oversee the program, which emphasizes study strategies and exam preparation.

Career Advising

Career advising programs from the Office of Student Affairs provide a structured system for early career exploration and application to residency (CV, MSPE, Personal statement preparation). Students will use the AAMC Careers in Medicine tools and assessments and receive personalized support through Society Deans, class meetings, and connecting with specialty mentors. Additional resources include residency application guidance, a roadmap to residency, and access to national career assessment tools. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence (DEIE) at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine supports all students, with a special focus on those from marginalized backgrounds. DEIE and DEI Med Ed aim to foster an inclusive environment by providing resources and advocating for equitable opportunities. Their mission is to challenge social injustices and embrace the diverse perspectives within their community, promoting policies that ensure fair treatment for all. They are committed to removing barriers and engaging community voices to support equality and compassion across campus.

Disability Services

The School of Medicine supports students of differing abilities. To promote the equitable assignment of accommodations, students must contact the CWRU Office of Disability Resources. CWRU Disability Resources provides guidelines for obtaining accommodations, including documentation requirements and specific processes for academic, housing, and transportation support. Students must self-disclose their disability to initiate accommodations, which are tailored based on individual needs and reviewed each semester. The department maintains strict confidentiality and supports students in communicating their needs to program leaders. 

Student Health & Wellbeing

The School of Medicine takes pride in its offerings around health and well-being. These programs are divided into the following categories:

  1. Structural wellbeing: The system by which students learn promotes wellness. Curricular and assessment strategies promote well-being: pass/fail grading in the pre-clerkship phase, infrequent summative assessments, essay assessments, and learning in teams.
  2. Balancing wellbeing: Resources offered to teach and support resilience and health: Wellness Pathway, required Tuesday morning seminars, optional wellbeing activities, nutritional clinical immersion, fitness facilities, inter-society events and families for community building, wellness room, and prayer/meditation space.
  3. Reactive wellbeing: Resources for students when they are struggling including learning specialists and medical and mental health appointments with University Health & Counseling.

Access to Health Services

All students registered for one or more credit hours are automatically enrolled in the Case Western Reserve Student Medical Plan. The Medical Plan fee is automatically billed each semester (fall and spring) at the time the student registers. To effectively waive the CWRU Student Medical plan, students must log into the Student Information System (SIS), select ’Waive Optional Fees’, and answer several Yes/No questions regarding their current health insurance plan. Once submitted, waivers are irrevocable for the semester. View information about the Student Medical Plan. The University offers an Optional Dependent Medical Plan for dependent spouses, domestic partners, and children of students. Spouses and dependents are not eligible for care at the University Health & Counseling Services.

Access to Disability Insurance

All medical students enrolled in MD programs in the School of Medicine have access to disability insurance. The plan, Med Plus Advantage Group Disability Income Protection, sponsored by the American Medical Association, offers students financial benefits should they become sick or disabled and not able to continue their education and enter the workforce. Students receive information on the Disability Insurance Plan at orientation and it is also available on demand in the Office of Student Affairs.

Health Provider Non-Involvement in Student Assessment

All services provided by the University Health and Counseling Service are confidential. UHCS is not part of any hospital system and does not share medical or mental health records with the medical school or clinical entities. Clinicians at UHCS are separate from the medical school so that a student may have a physician who has no relation to their academic life. The UHCS clinicians have no teaching, supervisory, or evaluative role with medical students.

Educational Resources and Infrastructure


The UTech HEC Care Center (Tech Bar) offers technical support for students, staff, and faculty, including computer repairs, troubleshooting, and orientation help for new students. They provide loaner laptops, extensive wireless access, and printing stations within the building. The Tech Bar operates weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Assistance is available via email by contacting After-hours assistance is available through the University Help Desk for additional support. Questions related to the learning management system, Elentra, can be directed to

iPad Policy & Agreement

The School of Medicine will provide a 10.2” iPad WiFi tablet with Apple Pencil to newly matriculating first-year medical students. This device will be used in a variety of settings, including small-group learning sessions. Students are responsible for keeping their iPads in good working order and protecting them from damage. A copy of the Student Statement of Responsibility is included below.

School of Medicine Student iPad Agreement

Student Statement of Responsibilities

In exchange for being assigned to the equipment and accessories listed below, I understand that: 

  1. I am responsible for keeping the equipment and accessories in good condition.
  2. CWRU and the School of Medicine reserve the right to ask for the equipment to be returned at any point during your time with the University, or in the case that you leave the MD program before finishing your degree.
  3. If I am asked to return the equipment, I will return them in good working condition. I must comply with CWRU’s Acceptable Use Policy.
  4. I must file a report with the CWRU Police Department as soon as I discover that the equipment and/or accessories were stolen.
  5. I must notify UTech and the School of Medicine as soon as I discover that the equipment and/or accessories were damaged, destroyed, or lost.
  6. (At the discretion of the School of Medicine, with a proof of police report a loaner may be provided as a replacement of the stolen or damaged devices)
  7. I must not store any protected health information on this equipment.
  8. I am responsible for ensuring that my data is backed up. The School of Medicine and UTech accept no responsibility for personal or program data stored on any device in your possession.
  9. Any data saved to the equipment will be deleted if the device is requested to be returned.

Description of Loaned Equipment and Accessories

  • One (1) Apple iPad 9th generation preloaded with CWRU-selected software
  • (You will be able to add additional apps at your discretion and associate it with your Apple ID) Service Tag Sticker (enter below)
  • Apple Pencil
  • Apple Charging Accessories


A copy of this signed document will be maintained with SOM and [U]Tech. Need help with your iPad? Call 216.368.HELP or email You will receive an email copy of this form after submitting.

University Libraries 

All Case Western Reserve University libraries support the university’s undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. Combined, their collections contain over 3 million volumes. Collections of electronic databases and electronic journals are available for all university faculty, staff, and students through the campus network or authorized remote access. The libraries include the Kelvin Smith Library, the Cleveland Health Sciences Library, the Judge Ben C. Green Law Library, and the Harris Library at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences. 

The Cleveland Health Sciences Library (CHSL) is the dedicated library for the School of Medicine. It has two locations: the Allen Memorial Medical Library and the Health Education Campus Library.

  • The Health Education Campus Library is located in the Samson Pavilion, on the second floor, where Faculty and students can collaborate with librarians on their information or research needs, pick up/check out library resources like course reserves or OhioLINK requests, or study in the 24/7 quiet study space. 
  • The Allen Memorial Medical Library is the collections and administrative hub of the library. The building contains quiet study spaces, circulating collections, print serials, and special collections, including rare medical texts and the history of medicine collection. The building is also home to the Dittrick Medical History Center’s archives and medical artifacts.

Study Spaces and Society Lounges

A variety of study spaces are available throughout Samson Pavilion, including on the fourth floor north and south student commons, the second floor of Samson Pavilion in the library, and several open tables throughout the second-floor balcony area overlooking the courtyard. Additional study spaces are available in the School of Medicine Biomedical Research Building, Robbins Building, and Wolstein Research Building.

Lounge spaces in the Samson Pavilion are located on the fourth floor north and south student commons and feature a variety of tables and chairs, couches, and games. Kitchenettes are available in the student commons and are equipped with microwaves, coffee makers, and small refrigerators for student use. Small kitchenettes are also available on the north side of the second floor of Samson Pavilion.

Student Lockers

First- and second-year medical students are assigned lockers upon matriculation in the Health Education Campus Samson Pavilion to securely store their valuables. The School of Medicine is not responsible for student possessions in the event of loss or theft.

Related Policies

Services & Amenities

Prayer and Meditation Space

The Health Education Campus has established Prayer/Meditation and Wellness Rooms at Samson Pavilion.  The Prayer/Meditation Room is room 213N1 and the Wellness Room is room 213N2.  These spaces are open to all students, staff, and faculty for quiet prayer, meditation, reflection, and wellness activities.  The furniture/equipment in these rooms should not be removed or moved from one space to the other.

Email Communication

Students and all other members of the CWRU community are assigned a Network User ID upon enrollment at Case Western Reserve University.  The online CWRU Directory lists e-mail addresses of students, faculty, and staff. All official email from the University, including mail from faculty and administrators, will be sent to students using the CWRU email address. Students are expected to check email regularly and respond promptly when appropriate. More information about setting up and accessing CWRU email can be found on the University Technology website.

CWRU Bookstore

The CWRU Barnes & Noble University Bookstore is located at 11434 Uptown Ave, Cleveland, 44106 or online. The bookstore has a variety of apparel, textbooks, supplies, and more.  The phone number for the bookstore is (216) 368-2650. Visit their website to shop online, see their store hours, and find more information. 


Parking privileges are offered, as space permits, to all registered students.  Students may obtain information about campus parking, fees, and purchasing permits from the CWRU Office of Access Services. Please see their website for their location, business hours and how to reach them. For third- and fourth-year medical students assigned to clerkships at University Hospitals or the Louis Stokes VA Medical Center (Wade Park), parking is arranged through Access Services.  Permits are usually obtained on the first day of the rotation. The SOM Office of the Registrar submits a list to Access Services of all students doing rotations at the above-mentioned hospitals. Parking for rotations at MetroHealth Medical Center and the Cleveland Clinic are arranged through their respective education offices.

Athletic and Fitness Facilities

Several athletic and fitness facilities are available for each registered student with a valid student ID. The Veale Convocation, Athletic and Recreation Center is the home of Case athletics, physical education, and intramural programs and houses four multi-purpose courts (for basketball, tennis, soccer, and volleyball), a six-lane indoor track (8 laps = 1 mile), and a multipurpose aerobics room. A cardio exercise room, (with treadmills, elliptical trainers, stair-step machines, rowing machines, a gravitron and stationary bikes), a weight room, (three separate rooms, main, power lift, and hammer strength), nine racquetball courts, two squash courts, a rock-climbing wall, Horsburgh Gym (used for basketball and volleyball), plus Veale Natatorium and Donnell Pool complete the facility. Veale (along with Van Horn Field, which is located directly outside of Veale), Adelbert Gym, (adjacent to Van Horn) and Freiberger Field, (located on the corner of East Boulevard and Bellflower), are used for athletics, recreation, intramural programs, and physical education.

Graduate and professional students are enrolled automatically as members of 121 Fitness Center at a discounted rate. Students who do not wish to use this benefit, must opt out in their SIS account each fall. Students who wish to use financial aid to pay this fee must grant the Office of Financial Aid permission to deduct the fee from their financial aid refund.

A variety of additional athletic facilities on and near campus can be found on their website.