Friday, April 11, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Add to Calendar: Add to Calendar 2025-04-11 09:00:00 2025-04-11 10:00:00 President Kaler and Provost Ward: School of Medicine Spring University Update Each fall and spring, the president and provost meet with each school to share an update on the university and to answer your questions. President Kaler and Provost Ward have pre-recorded an update you may watch at your convenience allowing the meeting time to be used to ask questions and engage in discussion. Weatherhead School of Management Weatherhead School of Management UTC public
Event Details
Each fall and spring, the president and provost meet with each school to share an update on the university and to answer your questions.
President Kaler and Provost Ward have pre-recorded an update you may watch at your convenience allowing the meeting time to be used to ask questions and engage in discussion.