State of the School
Dean Stan Gerson reports on the State of the School of Medicine.
Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the completion of the Human Genome Project
In partnership with the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, we invite you to join us for a full day of lectures at CWRU in the Wolstein auditorium (WRB1413) to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the…
Staff Town Hall
Dean Stan Gerson and School of Medicine leadership will host a Staff Town Hall.
Charles L. Hoppel, MD Lecture Prize Symposium
1:00 p.m. Dr. David Nicholls Prize Lecture 2:15 p.m. Presentation of Trainee Awards 2:30 p.m. Dr. Patrick Chinnery Prize Lecture 3:30 p.m. Reception for Hoppel …
Reunion Weekend
Reunite with old classmates and make new connections during Case Western Reserve University’s Homecoming and Reunion Weekend.
Staff Town Hall
Dean Gerson invites staff to attend and welcomes questions during the Staff Town Hall. There are several options to ask questions—in person, via chat for those attending via livestream or questions…
Dean's Faculty Recognition Celebration
The School of Medicine will celebrate faculty who have received—new appointments, emeriti and emerita status, endowed professorships, promotions, graduates of the FRAME, REFRAME and FLEX programs,…
School of Medicine Leadership Transition Celebration
Please join the School of Medicine faculty, staff and students to thank outgoing leaders for their contributions and welcome incoming new leaders as they begin their new leadership roles. Outgoing…