School Leadership

  • Portrait of Stan Gerson in dark suit with light colored tie

    Stanton L. Gerson, MD

    School of Medicine
    Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs
    National Center for Regenerative Medicine
    Department of Medicine
    Department of Environmental Health Sciences
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • Paul Bristol wearing a suit with a sunny outside background

    Paul Bristol, MBA

    Vice Dean for Finance and Administration

  • Michael Dolsak

    Michael Dolsak

    Vice President for Health Sciences Development
    Office of Development and Alumni Relations

  • Portrait of Elizabeth Fehsenfeld

    Elizabeth Fehsenfeld, DMH

    Chief of Staff
    School of Medicine

  • Adrianne Fletcher headshot

    Adrianne M. Fletcher, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences
    Vice Dean, Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Excellence
    Office of the Dean
    School of Medicine

  • J. Harry Isaacson wearing a jacket and tie

    J. Harry Isaacson, MD

    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Executive Dean
    Department of Medicine
    Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University

  • Cynthia Kubu

    Cynthia Kubu, PhD

    Vice Dean for Faculty
    Faculty Affairs
    School of Medicine
    Department of Neurology
    School of Medicine

  • photo of Lia Logio

    Lia Logio, MD, MACP, FRCP

    Vice Dean
    Medical Education
    School of Medicine
    Medical Education
    The Center for Medical Education
    School of Medicine
    Professor of Medicine
    School of Medicine

  • Grace McComsey

    Grace McComsey, MD

    Vice President
    University Hospitals Health System
    Associate Chief Scientific Officer
    University Hospitals Health System
    Pediatrics and Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Division of Infectious Diseases
    UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital

  • Male with glasses and dark sport jacket

    Marvin T. Nieman, PhD, FAHA

    Vice Provost and Dean for Graduate Studies
    Department of Pharmacology
    School of Medicine
    Molecular Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • William Schiemann

    William P. Schiemann, PhD

    Vice Dean for Research and Innovation
    School of Medicine
    Goodman-Blum Professor in Cancer Research
    School of Medicine
    Department of Biochemistry
    Special Advisor to the Director
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Pilot Funding & Scientific Investments
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Molecular Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • Gary Schwartz headshot

    Gary Schwartz, MD

    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Vice Dean for Oncology
    School of Medicine
    Gertrude Donnelly Hess MD Professor in Oncology Research

  • Photo of LIndsey Whitling

    Lindsey Whitling

    Vice Dean for Development and Alumni Relations
    Office of Development and Alumni Relations
    School of Medicine