The beginning of a new year

M1 students outside Severance Music Center wearing white coats

To the faculty, staff and students of the School of Medicine,

This is a special time of year as we welcome the arrival of new students to the School of Medicine and feel their excitement and energy. It is inspirational to watch students and their families experiencing the special tradition of our White Coat Ceremonies.

The white coat that the students receive is more than just the fabric and stitching—it represents their commitment to uphold the highest standards of ethics and patient care. We look forward to mentoring, teaching and supporting each and every student as we start the academic year, celebrating the broad range and remarkable diversity of their backgrounds, communities, expertise and accomplishments.

The medical student ceremony was held Sunday, July 14, with keynote speaker Dr. Wael Barsoum, president and chief transformation officer for the Healthcare Outcomes Performance Company. He shared this advice, ”You will meet patients on the darkest days of their lives. Walk alongside them. All of the medical knowledge in the world can't hold a candle to kindness.” He discussed the urgent need to be more equitable and ensure that every human being gets the healthcare they deserve. “We are held to a higher standard and have a moral obligation.” The medical student-written oath, written by consensus on Friday, and delivered to those assembled on Sunday, was an inspiration, reflecting their earnest commitment to the study of medicine.

PA students wearing white coats in Health Education Campus atrium

We also congratulate the 42 Physician Assistant (PA) students who received their white coats on June 1. Dr. Sally MacPhedran, the new director for the CWRU PA Program and director of the Women's Sexual Health Center at MetroHealth, delivered the keynote. The Class of 2026 represent 36 undergraduate institutions.

Next up to receive their white coats are the first year PhD students in August.

I look forward to maintaining the excitement throughout the academic year, led by an exceptional class of students joining us for their education and research.

Stan Gerson's signature



Stan Gerson, MD

Dean, CWRU School of Medicine

Director, National Center for Regenerative