Well-Earned Recognition for Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

We are pleased to share that Case Comprehensive Cancer Center (Case CCC) has been recognized by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) with a merit award of outstanding for its Cancer Center Support Grant submission in 2024. Further, NCI’s ranking allows Case CCC to apply for a merit extension for the second consecutive renewal period. In 2022, the organization was the first NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center ever awarded a merit extension. 

Case CCC ranks in the top 4% of NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the nation, uniting the efforts of Case Western Reserve University, University Hospitals, and the Cleveland Clinic to conduct state-of-the-art cancer research, foster the next generation of cancer researchers through innovative training and education programs, and support community outreach and engagement initiatives to reduce the cancer burden of four million people living in its 15-county catchment area. 

The NCI site visit committee noted institutional commitment, leadership, exceptional efforts in cancer research, training and education, its strategy to nurture and train cancer researchers and physician-scientists reflecting the needs and demographics of its catchment area, high quality of basic and translational science across programs, shared resources, and the synergism of consortium members as strengths that make Case CCC “well positioned for a continued positive trajectory.”  

“This prestigious recognition reflects the extraordinary dedication of our researchers, clinicians, program leaders, shared resource coordinators, staff, and, of course, leadership,” said Gary Schwartz, MD, FASO, Case CCC Director. “It is indicative of the hundreds of thousands of research hours, thousands of clinical trials, and countless laboratory, mentoring, and collaboration efforts that have driven ground-breaking scientific discoveries across our consortia partners. I am humbled and proud to work with all of you,” he added.

Schwartz concludes, “While we, along with other centers in their renewal year, await a forthcoming meeting to finalize funding, we extend our deepest gratitude to all who contributed to this achievement. Your tireless efforts have been instrumental in making this support grant a success, and we appreciate your patience as we navigate the next steps.”