Giving Kids Hope


Image of a group of young children smiling

On behalf of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and the Research Institute for Children's Health, I would like to extend my sincere thanks for your support of this year’s Giving Kids Hope event. We were thrilled so many supporters were able to join us to celebrate our achievements and to plan for our future. You will receive a tax receipt for your charitable contribution from Advancement Services in the following weeks.

Due to the success of the event and support from our sponsors, donors, and guests, we were able to raise more than $220,000 to improve outcomes for children suffering from devastating diseases and disorders by accelerating breakthroughs into new therapies and cures. Millions of children across the country are affected by medical conditions for which effective treatments are either non-existent or could be substantially improved. Genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, phenylketonuria, neurological and mitochondrial disorders could all benefit from better treatments, as could more common disorders like diabetes and asthma.

The proceeds will allow me and my colleagues at Case Western Reserve University to continue to perform our research and address these needs by employing the latest technologies in genetics and genomics, cell biology and pharmacology to rapidly pinpoint the causes of these disorders and develop new drugs or other approaches to treating them.

Thank you for your dedication to our institute and to children and their families who rely on our research for the next treatment or cure. We are already looking forward to next year’s event and are excited to share updates as they become available.

With sincere gratitude,
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Mitchell Drumm, PhD
Director, Research Institute for Children’s Health

Mitch Drumm, PhD, and The Research Institute for Children's Health

MitMitch Drumm

Welcome to the captivating world of pediatric biomedical research! At the Research Institute for Children's Health, a beacon of hope shines bright for countless children and their families. With an unwavering focus on revolutionizing the treatment of genetic diseases and disorders, this institute has become a driving force in the pursuit of groundbreaking discoveries.

Leading the charge is the visionary Dr. Mitch Drumm, an exceptional figure whose impact knows no bounds. Since joining CWRU in 1992, Dr. Drumm has played a pivotal role in the departments of pediatrics and genetics, propelling research to unprecedented heights. One of his most extraordinary achievements was co-discovering the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis—a monumental breakthrough that laid the groundwork for the earliest CF-specific drugs.

While the world was just beginning to witness progress in cystic fibrosis research during the early 1990s, Dr. Mitch Drumm and his team were already miles ahead. Their pioneering efforts focused on developing strategies to activate the mutant CF protein, perfectly aligned with the modern CF drugs in use today.

In the present day, Dr. Drumm and his brilliant collaborators continue to blaze new trails on the forefront of scientific discovery. Driven by an unwavering determination, they fearlessly explore uncharted territories in search of the next revolutionary breakthrough. What sets the Research Institute for Children's Health apart is its unique collaborative model, enabling researchers to delve into the complexities of various diseases while simultaneously facilitating the development and testing of innovative treatments.

This institute stands as a testament to the resilience and dedication of the human spirit. Thousands of children and their families worldwide, grappling with conditions that currently lack effective therapies, find solace in knowing that this institution ceaselessly works to provide them with better, brighter futures. With the Research Institute for Children's Health leading the way, the landscape of pediatric biomedical research continues to evolve, offering hope to those who need it most.

Learn more about the Research Institute for Children's Health.

Giving Kids Hope Award Winners

Previous award winners will also be recognized during the event:

  • Boodjeh Family (2018)
  • Pamela B. Davis, PhD (2019)
  • The Doris and Floyd Kimble Foundation (2020)
  • Jim Demuth (2020)
  • Kim Sowinski (2022)
  • Steve Demko (2023)
  • TBD (2024)