Appointments, Promotions, and Award of Tenure

The CWRU School of Medicine Faculty Affairs Office processes faculty appointments, promotions, and award of tenure. Below are the definitions of the various types of faculty appointments.

Temporary Appointments

Once the start date is known, a temporary faculty appointment should be submitted to generate a faculty CWRU ID, EMPLID, and establish access to systems. Temporary appointments are valid for six months. A complete part-time or full-time faculty appointment packet must be received by Faculty Affairs within six months.

  • temporary Adjunct/Clinical appointment will be issued to part-time or full-time faculty members not on CWRU payroll until the appointment is fully approved.
  • temporary Visiting appointment will be issued to faculty members on CWRU payroll (either fully CWRU or dual paid), in both clinical and basic science departments, until the appointment is fully approved.

Temporary Special Faculty Appointment Checklist 

Full-time faculty are faculty members who devote 50 percent or more of their time to approved academic activities conducted at an approved site.

Part-time faculty are faculty members who devote less than 50 percent of their time to approved academic activities conducted at an approved site. There are several different types of part-time faculty, defined below:

  • Clinical appointments generally refer to part-time faculty members devoting their time to patient care and teaching. Clinical faculty are based in a clinical department (i.e. UH, VA, MHMC, CCLCM) and not on CWRU payroll.
  • Adjunct appointments generally refer to part-time faculty members who devote their time to research and/or teaching in the basic science departments or on CWRU payroll.

Junior-level faculty include Instructors, Senior Instructors, and Assistant Professors.

Senior-level faculty include Associate Professors and Professors.

Visiting faculty appointments refer to those who are faculty based at another institution but at CWRU School of Medicine for a specific term, up to one year.

Emeritus faculty appointments The Faculty of Medicine wishes to recognize the contributions of its members at the time of retirement by the granting of the title emeritus to all faculty who meet the criteria stated below as well as those described in the Faculty Handbook. 

  • Consent of the faculty member
  • Meritorious contributions to the school and to the University
  • Service of at least ten years as a full-time faculty member
  • Minimum retirement age of 60
  • Retirement from full-time active service at Case Western Reserve University.

Please read the information below to learn more about each faculty appointment, promotion, and award of tenure process. You can view the qualifications and standards for appointment, promotion, and the award of tenure here.

If you have any questions, please email


Appointments to the faculty are initiated by department chairs. The School of Medicine uses the ranks of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, senior instructor, and instructor.

Appointment at the rank of professor or associate professor requires nomination by the chair, review and approval by the department's Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (department CAPT) (the department CAPT), the School of Medicine's CAPT, the Steering Committee of Faculty Council, the dean, the provost, the president, and the University's Board of Trustees. Senior faculty at these ranks must demonstrate, among other qualifications: a) national prominence in research or b) regional prominence (for associate professor) or national prominence (for professor) in teaching or clinical service.

Appointment at the rank of assistant professor, senior instructor, or instructor requires the same review and approval as above except for the School of Medicine's CAPT and the Steering Committee review which are not necessary for these ranks.

No full-time faculty appointment is effective or official until approved by the Board of Trustees.

Full-time faculty may or may not receive a paycheck from CWRU, and if they do receive one, are Benelect eligible if that paycheck is fifty percent or more of their professional compensation. 

All faculty appointments are for a one year period and are annually renewable. The faculty member is asked to sign and return a copy and keep a copy for their records. 

All full-time faculty will be issued a CWRU User ID and are encouraged to obtain a CWRU ID card (by visiting Access Services); all part-time faculty are eligible for and encouraged to obtain a CWRU ID card and to request from our office a CWRU User ID and email/computer account.

Click on the faculty appointments below to learn more about each process.

  1. The department must submit a temporary special faculty appointment checklist to to establish initial access to FIS and Interfolio.
  2. After the faculty member has been added to Interfolio, the Department must create the case using the template titled "Full Time Senior Level Appointment" within the School of Medicine unit. During the creation of the case, the Department should notify the faculty member via Interfolio that they may now upload their faculty appointment materials (CV, Professional Self-Description, Teaching Portfolio, Proof of terminal degree, and Reprints.)
  3. After the faculty member uploads their materials and submits the case for approval, the Department will log in and upload their materials (dCAPT memo, Chair's nomination letter, Explanation of financial resource support, External referee spreadsheet, Copy of offer letter, Affirmative Action approval, Approved 'Request to Initiate Faculty Search for Full Time Faculty' Form, and the Completed summary of faculty search survey (LCME Form, submitted electronically via Qualtrics). Please Note: The Department must also fill out the electronic form on the 'Case Details Tab'. 
  4. The Department will then submit the case forward to the 'Faculty Affairs Review' step. 
  5. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials and solicit external referee letters.
  6. Once the required minimum of six arm's length external referee letters are received, the materials will be assigned to the School of Medicine Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (CAPT). If the appointment involves the award of tenure, the Faculty Affairs Office will contact the department chair to be present at the CAPT review.
  7. If the CAPT recommendation is positive, the appointment materials will move forward to the Dean, Provost, President, and Board of Trustees. If the CAPT recommendation is negative, the Faculty Affairs Office will reach out to the department chair with next steps, including the information for the appeal process.
  8. Once the appointment is approved by the Board of Trustees, the department will be notified and the full-time appointment is effective.


  1. The department must submit a temporary special faculty appointment checklist to to establish initial access to FIS and Interfolio.
  2. After the faculty member has been added to Interfolio, the Department must create the case using the template titled "Full Time Junior Level Appointment" within the School of Medicine unit. During the creation of the case, the Department should notify the faculty member via Interfolio that they may now upload their faculty appointment materials (CV, Faculty Appointment Request, List of Referees, and Proof of terminal degree.)
  3. After the faculty member uploads their materials and submits the case for approval, the Department will log in and upload their materials (dCAPT memo, Chair's nomination letter, Explanation of financial resource support, Three letters of reference, Copy of offer letter, Affirmative Action approval, Approved 'Request to Initiate Faculty Search for Full Time Faculty' Form, and the Completed summary of faculty search survey (LCME Form, submitted electronically via Qualtrics). Please Note: The Department must also fill out the electronic form on the 'Case Details Tab'. 
  4. The Department will then submit the case forward to the 'Faculty Affairs Review' step. 
  5. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials to submit the case forward to the Dean, Provost, President, and Board of Trustees for review.
  6. Once the appointment is approved by the Board of Trustees, the department will be notified and the full-time appointment is effective.


  1. The department must submit a temporary special faculty appointment checklist to to establish initial access to FIS and Interfolio.
  2. After the faculty member has been added to Interfolio, the Department must create the case using the template titled "Part Time Senior Level Appointment" within the School of Medicine unit. During the creation of the case, the Department should notify the faculty member via Interfolio that they may now upload their faculty appointment materials (CV, Professional Self-Description, and List of Referees.)
  3. After the faculty member uploads their materials and submits the case for approval, the Department will log in and upload their materials (dCAPT memo, Chair's nomination letter, Explanation of financial resource support, and Copy of offer letter. Please Note: The Department must also fill out the electronic form on the 'Case Details Tab'. 
  4. The Department will then submit the case forward to the 'Faculty Affairs Review' step. 
  5. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials and submit the case forward to the Dean for review.
  6. Once the appointment is approved, the department will be notified and the part-time appointment is effective.


  1. The department must submit a temporary special faculty appointment checklist to to establish initial access to FIS and Interfolio.
  2. After the faculty member has been added to Interfolio, the Department must create the case using the template titled "Part Time Junior Level Appointment" within the School of Medicine unit. During the creation of the case, the Department should notify the faculty member via Interfolio that they may now upload their faculty appointment materials (CV, Faculty Appointment Request)
  3. After the faculty member uploads their materials and submits the case for approval, the Department will log in and upload their materials (dCAPT memo, Chair's nomination letter, and Explanation of financial resource support. Please Note: The Department must also fill out the electronic form on the 'Case Details Tab'. 
  4. The Department will then submit the case forward to the 'Faculty Affairs Review' step. 
  5. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials and submit the case forward to the Dean for review.
  6. Once the appointment is approved, the department will be notified and the part-time appointment is effective.


  1. The Department must create the case in Interfolio using the template titled "Secondary Faculty Appointment" within the School of Medicine unit. If the faculty member is not listed as a user in Interfolio, please email During the creation of the case, the Department should notify the faculty member via Interfolio that they may now upload their faculty appointment materials (CV, Request for secondary appointment, Primary Chair's letter of support)
  2. After the faculty member uploads their materials and submits the case for approval, the Department will log in and upload their materials (dCAPT memo and Chair's nomination letter. Please Note: The Department must also fill out the electronic form on the 'Case Details Tab'. 
  3. The Department will then submit the case forward to the 'Faculty Affairs Review' step. 
  4. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials and submit the case forward to the Dean for review.
  5. Once the appointment is approved, the department will be notified and the secondary appointment is effective.


  1. Fill out and gather the materials listed on the Visiting Appointment Checklist.
  2. Submit materials to
  3. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials and submit to the Dean for review.
  4. Once the appointment is approved, the department will be notified and the visiting appointment is effective.


  1. The Department must create the case in Interfolio using the template titled "Emeritus Faculty Appointment" within the School of Medicine unit. If the faculty member is not listed as a user in Interfolio, please email During the creation of the case, the Department should notify the faculty member via Interfolio that they may now upload their faculty appointment materials (CV and Request for Emeritus appointment)
  2. After the faculty member uploads their materials and submits the case for approval, the Department will log in and upload their materials (dCAPT memo and Chair's nomination letter.)
  3. The Department will then submit the case forward to the 'Faculty Affairs Review' step.
  4. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials to submit to the Steering Committee, Dean, Provost, President, and Board of Trustees for review.
  5. Once the appointment is approved by the Board of Trustees, the department will be notified and the emeritus appointment is effective either January 1 (if submitted by September 30) or July 1 (if submitted by February 28).


  1. The Department must create the case in Interfolio using the template titled "Transfer of Primary Faculty Appointment" within the School of Medicine unit. If the faculty member is not listed as a user in Interfolio, please email During the creation of the case, the Department should notify the faculty member via Interfolio that they may now upload their faculty appointment materials (CV, transfer request, Verification that the former Chair has been notified.)
  2. After the faculty member uploads their materials and submits the case for approval, the Department will log in and upload their materials (dCAPT memo and Chair's request letter.)
  3. The Department will then submit the case forward to the 'Faculty Affairs Review' step.
  4. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials and submit the case forward to the Dean for review.
  5. Once the transfer is approved, the department will be notified and the transfer appointment is effective.



Click on the faculty promotions below to learn more about each process and deadline.

  1. The department submits the Declaration of Candidacy for Promotion Form to by January 6 for promotion effective January 1 of the following year and May 1 for promotion effective July 1 of the following year.
  2. The Department will then create the case for the candidate in Interfolio using the template titled "Full Time Senior Level Non-Tenure Track Promotion" within the School of Medicine unit and notify the candidate that they may now upload their promotion materials. If the faculty member is not listed as a user in Interfolio, please email
  3. The candidate should upload and submit their required materials to Interfolio. Candidates should consult their department administrator to ensure that the candidate’s materials are submitted in a timely manner to give department’s ample time to submit their materials to the Faculty Affairs Office by the given deadline via Interfolio.
    1. Materials to be submitted include:
      1. Curriculum Vitae
      2. Professional Self-Description
      3. Teaching Portfolio (required for NTT with primary area of excellence in teaching, optional for all other candidates)
      4. Teaching Evaluations (from the last 3 years; if you do not have any evaluations, please include a brief statement explaining why there are no evaluations)
      5. Up to 5 key reprints
  4. The department must submit its materials and move the case forward to Faculty Affairs by February 28 for promotion effective January 1 of the following year. The department must submit its materials and move the case forward to Faculty Affairs by June 1 for promotion effective July 1 of the following year. 
    1. Materials to be submitted include:
      1. Chair’s nomination letter
      2. DCAPT vote letter
      3. Referee spreadsheet
      4. Summary of Teaching Evaluations (if the candidate did not submit teaching evaluations, please ensure that the candidate submitted a brief statement that explained the lack of teaching evaluations)
      5. Division Chief letter of recommendation (optional)
      6. Chair’s nomination letter for secondary appointment (optional; must include the vote from secondary department’s DCAPT supporting the promotion)
  5. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials and solicit external referee letters.
  6. Once the required minimum of six arm's length external referee letters are received, the materials will be assigned to the School of Medicine Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (CAPT). 
  7. If the CAPT recommendation is positive, the promotion materials will move forward to the Dean, Steering Committee, Provost, President, and Board of Trustees. If the CAPT recommendation is negative, the Faculty Affairs Office will reach out to the department chair with next steps, including the information for the appeal process.
  8. Once the promotion is approved by the Board of Trustees, the department and candidate will be notified, with promotion effective either January 1 or July 1.


  1. The department submits the Declaration of Candidacy for Promotion Form to by March 31 for promotion effective July 1 of the following year.
  2. The Department will then create the case for the candidate in Interfolio using the template titled "Full Time Senior Level Tenure Track/Tenured Promotion" within the School of Medicine unit and notify the candidate that they may now upload their promotion materials. If the faculty member is not listed as a user in Interfolio, please email
  3. The candidate should upload and submit their required materials to Interfolio. Candidates should consult their department administrator to ensure that the candidate’s materials are submitted in a timely manner to give department’s ample time to submit their materials to the Faculty Affairs Office by the given deadline via Interfolio.
    1. Materials to be submitted include:
      1. Curriculum Vitae
      2. Professional Self-Description
      3. Teaching Portfolio (optional)
      4. Teaching Evaluations (from the last 3 years; if you do not have any evaluations, please include a brief statement explaining why there are no evaluations)
      5. Up to 5 key reprints
  4. The department must submit its materials and move the case forward to Interfolio Faculty Affairs by April 28 for promotion effective July 1 of the following year. 
    1. Materials to be submitted include:
      1. Chair’s nomination letter
      2. DCAPT vote letter
      3. Referee spreadsheet
      4. Summary of Teaching Evaluations (if the candidate did not submit teaching evaluations, please ensure that the candidate submitted a brief statement that explained the lack of teaching evaluations)
      5. Division Chief letter of recommendation (optional)
      6. Chair’s nomination letter for secondary appointment (optional; must include the vote from secondary department’s DCAPT supporting the promotion)
  5. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials and solicit external referee letters.
  6. Once the required minimum of six arm's length external referee letters are received, the materials will be assigned to the School of Medicine Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (CAPT).  If the promotion involves the award of tenure, the Faculty Affairs Office will contact the department chair to be present at the CAPT review.
  7. If the CAPT recommendation is positive, the promotion materials will move forward to the Dean, Steering Committee, Provost, President, and Board of Trustees. If the CAPT recommendation is negative, the Faculty Affairs Office will reach out to the department chair with next steps, including the information for the appeal process.
  8. Once the promotion is approved by the Board of Trustees, the department and candidate will be notified, with promotion effective either January 1 or July 1.


  1. The Department will create the case for the candidate in Interfolio using the template titled "Full Time Junior Level Promotion" within the School of Medicine unit and notify the candidate that they may now upload their promotion materials. If the faculty member is not listed as a user in Interfolio, please email
  2. The candidate should upload and submit their required materials to Interfolio. Candidates should consult their department administrator to ensure that the candidate’s materials are submitted in a timely manner to give department’s ample time to submit their materials to the Faculty Affairs Office by the given deadline via Interfolio.
  3. The department must submit its materials and move the case forward to Interfolio Faculty Affairs by the submission date listed below.
  4. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials to submit to the Dean, Provost, President, and Board of Trustees for review.
  5. Once the promotion is approved by the Board of Trustees, the department will be notified and the full-time appointment is effective.

For promotions to be made effective July 1, the date for submission is February 28; for promotions to be made effective January 1, the date for submission is September 30.


  1. The Department will create the case for the candidate in Interfolio using the template titled "Part Time Senior Level Promotion" within the School of Medicine unit and notify the candidate that they may now upload their promotion materials. If the faculty member is not listed as a user in Interfolio, please email
  2. The candidate should upload and submit their required materials to Interfolio. Candidates should consult their department administrator to ensure that the candidate’s materials are submitted in a timely manner to give department’s ample time to submit their materials to the Faculty Affairs.
  3. The department must submit its materials and move the case forward to Interfolio Faculty Affairs.
  4. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials and submit to the Dean for review.
  5. Once the appointment is approved, the department will be notified and the part-time appointment is effective.


  1. The Department will create the case for the candidate in Interfolio using the template titled "Part Time Junior Level Promotion" within the School of Medicine unit and notify the candidate that they may now upload their promotion materials. If the faculty member is not listed as a user in Interfolio, please email
  2. The candidate should upload and submit their required materials to Interfolio. Candidates should consult their department administrator to ensure that the candidate’s materials are submitted in a timely manner to give department’s ample time to submit their materials to the Faculty Affairs.
  3. The department must submit its materials and move the case forward to Interfolio Faculty Affairs.
  4. The Faculty Affairs Office will process the materials and submit to the Dean for review.
  5. Once the appointment is approved, the department will be notified and the part-time appointment is effective.


Faculty Senior-Level Promotion Deadlines

Non-Tenure Track Senior-Level Promotions effective January 1, 2026.

Non-Tenure Track Senior-Level Promotions effective July 1, 2026.

Tenure Track Senior-Level Promotions effective July 1, 2026.