Concurrent Programs

the Eiffel Tower as seen from the ground looking up

In addition to traditional semester-long exchange programs, we offer two-semester concurrent degree programs with prestigious universities in England, Spain and France. Through these programs students can earn two degrees - a JD from our law school and LLM from the partner school - in just three years, for just the price of the JD. Students spend their 1L and 2L years at our law school and then their third year at the foreign partner school. Courses are taught in English at each school. 

  • Middlesex University - LLM in International Law or Human Rights Law 
  • Comillas Pontifical University LLM in International and European Business Law
  • Paris Dauphine University -  LLM in International and European Business Law (Students may take classes in French if successful in interview with Dauphine.)
  • Lille Catholic University – LL.M. in International and European Law / Bilingual - Business Law (DAC) or Advanced LL.M. in Human Rights, Security and
  • Development (DHSD)

"I graduated from CWRU School of Law (class of 2019), where in three years I was able to obtain both a JD and a Masters degree in International and European Business Law at the University of Paris- Dauphine. The  knowledge, experience and certification offered through the concurrent degree played a significant role in my career, allowing me to now work abroad as a licensed US attorney in an international law firm. I am grateful that CWRU provided such an opportunity during my legal studies."

- Garo Yaghsezian