First Amendment Clinic

The Dr. Frank Stanton First Amendment Clinic at Case Western Reserve University School of Law is committed to protecting free expression and free speech through direct client representation and advocacy

a group of nine individuals standing at the bottom on the stairs in front of Athens County Courthouse.
About the Clinic

Designed for third-year law students, the First Amendment Clinic is an experiential offering within the Milton and Charlotte Kramer Law Clinic at Case Western Reserve University School of Law. 

Senior Fellow Sara Coulter and Director Andy Geronimo standing in front of the Thomas D. Lambros Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in Youngstown, Ohio, after a multi-day federal bench trial chaired by Certified Legal Externs.
Who We Are

The clinic is primarily staffed by a director, attorney fellows, and third-year law students who are certified as legal interns by the Supreme Court of Ohio. 

Director Andy Geronimo speaking on a February 2023 panel about Qualified Immunity and the Novak v. City of Parma court case.
News and Updates

Stay up to date with news and updates out of the First Amendment Clinic. 

A figure of Lady Justice positioned in front of three law books.
Client Inquiries

We’ve represented clients in affirmative litigation against government actors under federal civil rights law, and have defended clients against tort claims where the underlying conduct is speech-related (e.g. defamation).