International Law Faculty & Adjuncts


Michael Scharf Headshot

Michael P. Scharf

Associate Dean for Global Legal Studies, School of Law

Joseph C. Hostetler - BakerHostetler Professor of Law, School of Law


Phone: 216.368.6386


Stephen J. Petras, Jr.

Stephen J. Petras, Jr.

Director, Frederick K. Cox International Law Center, School of Law

U.S. Director, Canada-United States Law Institute, School of Law


Phone: 216.408.5391


headshot of Michael Benza

Michael Benza

Senior Instructor in Law, School of Law

Associate Director, Financial Integrity Institute, School of Law


Phone: 216.368.0284


Juscelino F. Colares Headshot

Juscelino Colares

Schott-van den Eynden Professor of Business Law, School of Law

Co-Director, Frederick K. Cox International Law Center, School of Law

Director, JD/MA Political Science Program


Phone: 216.368.6387


headshot of Avidan Y. Cover

Avidan Cover

Professor of Law, School of Law

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Law

Director, Institute for Global Security Law and Policy


Phone: 216.368.5224


image of Shannon French

Shannon French

Director, Professor in Ethics, Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence

Professor, Department of Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences

Professor, School of Law


Phone: 216.368.2579


headshot of Jonathan Gordon

Jonathan Gordon

Professor of Lawyering Skills, School of Law

Director, SJD Program, School of Law


Phone: 216.368.6364



headshot of Sharona Hoffman

Sharona Hoffman

Edgar A. Hahn Professor of Law, School of Law

Co-Director, The Law-Medicine Center, School of Law

Professor, Department of Bioethics, School of Medicine


Phone: 216.368.3860


headshot of Kenneth F. Ledford

Kenneth Ledford

Associate Professor of Law, School of Law

Associate Professor and Chair, Department of History, College of Arts and Sciences




Cathy Lesser Mansfield

Cathy Lesser Mansfield

Senior Instructor in Law, School of Law

Executive Director of the Master of Arts in Financial Integrity Program, Financial Integrity Institute, School of Law


Phone: 216.368.0425

headshot of Kathryn S. Mercer

Kathryn Mercer

Professor of Lawyering Skills, School of Law


Phone: 216.368.2173


headshot of Dale A. Nance

Dale A. Nance

Albert J. Weatherhead III and Richard W. Weatherhead Professor in Law and Criminal Justice, School of Law


Phone: 216.368.3294


headshot of Craig A. Nard

Craig A. Nard

Galen J. Roush Professor of of Law, School of Law

Director, Spangenberg Center for Law, Technology & the Arts, School of Law


Phone: 216.368.6348


headshot of Cassandra Burke Robertson

Cassandra Robertson

John Deaver Drinko - BakerHostetler Professor of Law, School of Law

Director, Center for Professional Ethics, School of Law


Phone: 216.368.3302


headshot of Robert N. Strassfeld

Robert Strassfeld

Professor of Law, School of Law

Phone: 216.368.5096


headshot of Jack Turner

Jack Turner

Associate Professor of Law, School of Law

Director, International LLM Program, School of Law


Adjunct Faculty:

Stephen Anway
Partner & Co-Head of Investment Arbitration, Squire Patton Boggs

Aleksandar Cuic,
Partner at Robert Brown LLC

Melanie GiaMaria
Melanie GiaMaria Law, LLC

Ramez Islambouli
Lecturer, Department of Modern Languages and Literature at CWRU

James Johnson
Director, Henry King War Crimes Research Office

Steve Lynch
Legal Assistance Attorney, U.S. Coast Guard

James Moroney
Retired Assistant U.S. Attorney

Greg Noone, PhD
Director Fairmont State University National Security and Intelligence Program
Associate Professor of Political Science and Law

Ted Parran III
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office
Managing Director, Canada-U.S. Law Institute

Steven Paille
Managing Director, Canada-United States Law Institute

Lisa Scott
Scott Global Migration Law Group

Michael Sharon
Co-Founder Sharon Kalnoki, LLC

Steven G. Stransky
Senior Counsel, Thompson Hine, LLP

Margaret Wong
Founder & Managing Partner, Wong & Associates

Andrew Zashin
Partner, Zashin & Rich