Apply to the International SJD Program

Application and Process


Admissions is available for both fall and spring semesters. The deadline for fall semester is April 1; the deadline for spring semester is Oct. 15.

Required Documents

  • Completed application form and personal statement
  • Official copy of transcripts from all post-secondary educational institutions attended, with translation into English were applicable.
  • An official TOEFL or IELTS score.
  • Original thesis proposal of no more than 25 pages explaining why your topic merits the type and depth of research that will result in production of a monograph-length thesis. Focus on the existing unresolved legal issues. 
  • A complete bibliography of the literature in the applicable field that you have already consulted in the development of your thesis proposal.
  • Two letters of recommendation.

Application Review

Applications are reviewed in order of their receipt and completion. Therefore, applicants are encouraged to apply early. 

Mailing Address

Office of Global Legal Studies
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7148 USA 

Admission Inquiries and Applications 

Office of Global Legal Studies
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
216.368.2083 |

Visitors and Deliveries 

Office of Global Legal Studies
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Gund Hall
11075 East Boulevard
Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7148