Partner Schools

Where Will You Go?

Case Western Reserve University School of Law has agreements for semester study abroad programs with 17 schools around the world. We also have agreements for concurrent degree programs with three European schools.

Students who study abroad at one of our foreign partner schools pay normal tuition to our law school. Students are responsible for visa, airfare, local transportation, meals and housing costs while studying abroad.

If you are interested in studying at one of our foreign partner schools, please contact
Pegah Zardoost. She can provide you with more specific information regarding the course of study, housing and application deadlines. In addition, she can put you in touch with students who have already studied at these schools.

The American Bar Association’s Criteria for Accepting Credit for Student Study at a Foreign Institution requires disclosure of the following information about our foreign partner schools.

Cancellation and refund policies for our students studying abroad are the same as for regular study at our law school; please visit Student Financial Services for more information about cancellation and refund policies.

  • One School of Law student studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: The grading scale goes to 30; 18 is the minimum passing grade and 30 is the maximum passing grade. All grades below 18 are considered as failing grades
  • Accessibility: At Bocconi, the Bocconi Library is committed to making its collections accessible to all users. Workspace for students with a visual impairment is available at the Automation Service. Technical and logistical support is available for taking exams, to be evaluated on a case by case basis. For any assistance, exchange students can contact the International Student Desk, which will be the reference office for incoming students before and during the semester.
  • Housing: Exchange students can request accommodation in Bocconi dorms through the ISD Housing Office when completing the online application for the exchange program. Housing fees for Bocconi dorms are available during the online application process.


Francesca Moschin, Study Abroad Manager

International Student Desk, Bocconi University, Piazza Sraffa, 11- Room 302, 20136 Milan, Italy 


  • No School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
    Student performance and grading methods: We will request this information from CUPL on an individual student basis.
  • Accessibility: We will address accessibility concerns with CUPL on an individual student basis. The law school building is accessible to individuals with disabilities
  • Housing: Visit China University of Politics and Law's website for housing information.


Ms. Zoe Yin, College of International Studies 

China University of Political Science and Law, No. 25 Xitucheng Road, Hai Dian District, Beijing, 100088, P.R. China 

+86 010 58908237

  • No School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods
  • Accessibility 
  • Housing Off Campus


Ms. Silver Lee

5/F Purple Zone, Academic 1, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

  • Eight School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: Comillas will provide this information to interested students.
  • Disability Accessibility
  • Housing


Mónica González, International Relations & MIEBL Coordinator, Faculty of Law 

Universidad Pontificia Comillas, C/ Alberto Aguilera, 23, 28015 – Madrid (Spain) 

34 91 542 28 00, Ext. 2220

  • One School of Law student studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: Students are assessed either by written or oral exams, and in some classes also by participation and on presentation of a particular topic. Final performance will be marked from 0-100, with 100 as excellent performance, or they will be marked from A+ to F.
  • Accessibility: Special student services and facilities will be provided to support both the daily life and academic development of students with disabilities, in accordance with the policies of the Chinese and Shanghai governments. The law school building is accessible to individuals with disabilities. We will address accessibility concerns with ECUPL on an individual student basis.
  • Housing 


Ms. Hua Tian, International Affairs Office, Coordinator of Incoming Exchange Program & International  Liaison Office

International Exchange Center, 1575 Wan Hang Du Road, Shanghai, China, 200042 

(8621) 6207 1025

  • No School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: We will request this information from EBS on an individual student basis.
  • Accessibility: We will address accessibility concerns with EBS on an individual student basis.
  • Housing

Contact: Rita Broschek, International Programmes Coordinator

EBS Law School, Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 3, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany 

+49 611 7102 1568

  • No School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: The Dutch grading system, used from elementary through university education, is the 1  to 10 scale, wherein 10 is the highest grade, 6 the minimum pass and 1 the lowest grade.
  • Accessibility 
  • Housing 


Ms. Josta Mommertz, Exchange Officer Incoming Students, 

Bouillonstraat 1-3, 6211 LH Maastricht, The Netherlands, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands 


  • Four School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018/19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: Assessment for most modules is 100% coursework, but some include participation as well. In most modules, assessments are set throughout the year with a longer piece of coursework set at the end of the year. More information is available upon request.
  • Accessibility: We will address accessibility concerns with Middlesex on an individual student basis.


Lughaidh Kerin, Senior Lecturer & Director of Clinical Legal Education

Middlesex University, NW4 4BT, London, UK 


  • No School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: Written exams, take-home exams, projects, reports, presentations, group reports or essays. Final exams are given during the examination-week period (usually in January and June).
  • Accessibility
  • Housing

Contact: Mr. Yu Kuo, International Affairs Coordinator, 

International Office, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan 


  • Two School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: The last two weeks of each term are devoted to course reviews and examinations. Grades are given in the form of percentages. The passing grade is 60%. All grades will be accounted for in determining the students’ academic units. Classroom participation and performance, homework, quizzes, and midterm exams are counted towards the students’ cumulative final grade.
  • Accessibility: We will address accessibility concerns with Peking on an individual student basis.
  • Housing: Peking does not provide dormitory for short-term international students.  Students should secure accommodation by applying to the Zhongguanyuan Global Village or by renting an apartment in the nearby area. 


Dr. Li Yuanyuan, Director of External Affairs Office, 

Chenming Building, Peking University Law School, No. 5 Road Yiheyuan, Haidian District, Beijing, 100871, China; 

(86) 010-6275 6486

  • No School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods
  • Accessibility: South Africa and Rhodes are not very accessible for individuals with physical disabilities. Students with mobility issues should consult with their law school and Rhodes before applying to Rhodes. It may be necessary to arrange ahead of time that lectures take place in wheelchair accessible venues. There is very little assistance available for students with hearing or visual impairments, but we may be able to arrange something if notified in advance. Students with learning disabilities may apply for additional time for exams and class tests. There are professional counsellors on campus at no additional costs.
  • Housing


Miss Tlamelo Mothudi, International Officer, 

Rhodes International Office, Rhodes University, Eden Grove Building, Lucas Avenue, Grahamstown, 6139 South Africa 


  • Two School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: 90-100: A (4.0) 86-89: A- (3.7) 83-85: B+ (3.3) 80-83: B (3.0) 76-79: B- (2.7) 73-75: C+(2.3) 70-73: C (2.0) 66-69: C- (1.7) 63-65: D+ (1.3) 60-62: D (1.0) <60 failed Oral Test: P (1.0)
  • Accessibility: We will address accessibility concerns with Renmin on an individual student basis.
  • Housing: Renmin University offers three different types of on-campus dormitory rooms to international students. Prices are 40 RMB/day for double rooms and 80 RMB/Day for single rooms. Incoming students are provided housing information with their admission packages.


Ms. Lei Chen, Project Coordinator, 

Room 619, Mingde Law Building, Law School, Renmin University of China, 59 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, 100872, P. R. China 

(86) 010-8250 9221

  • No School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: Exams, semester assignments, and mid-terms count toward the final grade.
  • Accessibility: We will address accessibility concerns with Southwest on an individual student basis.
  • Housing


Ms. Liu Duan, Exchange Program Coordinator, 

No. 301, Baosheng Road, Yubei District, Chongqing, China, 401120 

(86) 023-67258872

  • No School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: The grading scale is from 1-12; 6 and above is a passing grade. One (1) UM credit is equivalent to 10 class hours. In order to pass and receive credit for a course, students should: have a minimum class attendance of 75%; obtain a minimum grade of six (6) for the course, which includes midterm papers, oral presentations, and class participation; and, pass the final examination with at least six (6).
  • Accessibility: We will address accessibility concerns with Montevideo on an individual student basis. The school reports that the city of Montevideo is continuing to make strides to become a more accessible city.
  • Housing: The University does not provide on-campus housing. However, the Office of International Affairs sends out a housing list before the beginning of every semester with multiple choices of living situations such as international residences, house stays and independent rooms to rent.


Luisa Peirano, Director of International Affairs, 

Universidad de Montevideo, Prudencio de Pena 2544, 11600 Montevideo, Uruguay 

2 707 44 61 int 319

  • Three School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: French universities use a 20-point grading scale. All students enrolled at Dauphine or any other French university must obtain a minimum overall grade of 10/20 to receive their degree. There are letter letter-scale (A-F) equivalents for the 20-point scale (10 = C, less than 10 = F).
  • Housing: Dauphine does not provide on-campus housing.  A limited number of rooms in student residences are available off-campus.  The accommodation service will contact students with further information.


Thane Jemsi, Exchange Student Coordinator, Université Paris-Dauphine

Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, Paris, France 



Ms. Adeline Sanders, International Programs and Faculty Services

1151 Richmond Street, London, ON, Canada N6A 3K7 


  • Two School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-18.
  • Student performance and grading methods: We will request this information from Utrecht on an individual student basis.
  • Accessibility: In general all school facilities are accessible for students with disabilities.
  • Housing


Ms. Paula Banning, Coordinator non-Europe

International Office, Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, Drift 10, 3512 BS Utrecht, The Netherlands 

+31 30 253 7548


Sanna Boomsma, International Office

de Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands 


  • No School of Law students studied at this school in 2017-18/2018-19.
  • Student performance and grading methods: We will request this information from Zhejiang on an individual student basis.
  • Accessibility: We will address accessibility concerns with Zhejiang on an individual student basis.
  • Housing


Ms. Jiaying Hong,

51 Zhijiang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 310008, P.R. China 

(86) 180989 92761