Juscelino Colares
Turkey as a WTO Litigant: A Case of Waived Leverage and Mismatched Policy Ends and Means, 51 GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 857 (2020) (with M. Durmus).
TURK-SWITCH: The Tariff-Leverage and Legal Case for Turkey's Shift from Customs Union to FTA with the European Union and Beyond, 22.1 Journal of International Economic Law 99 (2019) (with M. Durmus)
Restructuring Trade Agreements: The Legal and Transactional Reworking of Bad Trade Deals (forthcoming Kluwer N.V., 2021)
Avidan Cover
Quieting the Court: Lessons from The Muslim Ban Case, 23 J. Gender, Race & Just. 1 (2020).
Shannon French
Military Neuro-Interventions: Solving the Right Problems for Ethical Outcomes, 10 InterAgency Journal 7-19 (2019) (with J. Sandstrom).
Artificial Intelligence in Military Decision-Making: Avoiding Ethical and Strategic Perils with an Option-Generator Model, in Bernard Koch and Richard Schoonhoven, THE ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN WARFARE, The Netherlands and Boston: Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, (forthcoming Brill/Marinus Nijhoff Pub. 2021) (with L. Lindsay).
Cassandra Burke Robertson
(Un)Civil Denaturalization, 94 N.Y.U. L. Rev. (2020) (with I. Manta).
Inalienable Citizenship, NC L. REV. (forthcoming 2020) (with I. Manta).
Dale Nance
Choice of Law for Burdens of Proof, 46 North Carolina Journal of International Law (forthcoming)
Michael Scharf
Striking a Grotian Moment: How the Syria Airstrikes Changed International Law Relating to Humanitarian Intervention, 19 CHI. J. INT'l L. 586 (2019).
THE SYRIA CONFLICT'S IMPACT ON INTERNATIONAL LAW (Cambridge University Press, 2020) (with P. Williams and M. Sterio).