2020 National Opioid Leadership Summit: Virtual Experience
Tuesday, December 8th - Wednesday, December 9th, 2020
Hosted by the Public Health Institute and University Hospitals; Co-Sponsored by the CWRU Schools of Law and Medicine
Event Description
Join the Public Health Institute and our host partner, Cleveland-based University Hospitals, one of the nation's largest health systems, for a 2-Day Virtual Experience. Learn, share and collaborate with colleagues from across the country on real solutions to the opioid crisis that bridge criminal justice, health care and public health sectors.
Opioid use disorder is not contained by the walls of a cell, hospital or treatment center, and our interventions should not be either. Join funders, national leaders, and local innovators for a solution-driven summit meant to spark new ideas and new collaborations. Learn what is working on the local level, successful models and policies that can be tailored to fit your community, and solutions to bringing proven interventions to scale –all engagingly presented through TED-style talks, keynotes, and interactive breakouts.
This virtual experience will take place on the interactive Dialogue4Health platform.
Continuing Education sponsored by Case Western Reserve University, Schools of Law and Medicine.
Event Location
online only