9/11: A 20-Year Retrospective of the Central Backstory
Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
1.0 ACAMS CE credit
Master of Arts in Financial Integrity
Webcast Archive Content
Event Description
The central backstory of the 9/11 attack focuses on the need for financing to successfully carry out the acts of terrorism committed on that fateful day. The presentation will discuss the financial investigation conducted as part of the overall counterterrorism investigation after the attacks, and the critical importance of public and private sector partnerships.
This compelling presentation will discuss how terrorists were able to make their aspirations for the 9/11 attacks a reality and how the threat environment has morphed and changed 20 years later. From a financial perspective, it will start with the planning, execution, impact and how we responded to 9/11 from both a public and private sector standpoint. It will end with where we are today and how we should respond to evolving threats.
Speaker Bios:
Dennis M. Lormel, CAMS, President & CEO DML Associates, LLC
Mr. Lormel has over 48 years of professional experience fighting fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing and related challenges. He spent 31 years in federal government service, 28 of which were as an FBI Special Agent. For the past 17 years, he has been a consultant in the private sector.
In his distinguished career in the FBI, Mr. Lormel amassed extensive major case experience as a street agent, supervisor and senior executive. As chief of the Financial Crimes Program, following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, he established and led the elite Terrorist Financing Operations Section. For his visionary contributions in planning progressive investigative methodologies, Mr. Lormel received the U.S. Department of Justice Award for Investigative Initiative and the George H. W. Bush Award for Excellence in Counterterrorism, from the Central Intelligence Agency.
Currently, Mr. Lormel provides risk advisory consulting services. He is the founder and president of DML Associates, LLC. Mr. Lormel provides consulting services and training related to terrorist financing, money laundering, fraud, financial crimes, suspicious activity and due diligence. He also offers financial intelligence services through case studies and trend analysis. Mr. Lormel has shared his insight on terrorist financing, financial crimes and money laundering, both domestically and internationally, through speaking engagements at hundreds of conferences, as well as through news media interviews. He served as an advisor to the Congressional Anti-Terrorist Financing Task Force in 2005 and 2006.
Mr. Lormel was presented with the 2010 Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) Volunteer of the Year Award and currently serves as a member of the ACAMS Advisory Board. Mr. Lormel also served as a board member for the West Coast AML Forum and is currently a Distinguished Lecturer in the Master of Arts Program for Financial Integrity at Case Western Reserve University. In June 2021, Mr. Lormel was elected President of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI.
Phil DeLuca, former Senior VP & Director of Compliance Controls, U.S. Bank
Mr. DeLuca is formerly senior vice president and director of Compliance Controls at U.S. Bank. Prior to joining U.S. Bank, he led the AML investigations department of a large global bank where he and his team pioneered the use of issue-based, typology-driven investigations. He has over 30 years of financial services investigations management experience and has conducted and managed numerous high profile/sensitive anti-money laundering/counter-terrorist financing investigations.
Mr. DeLuca has partnered with all levels of law enforcement to develop leading-edge investigative strategies and has been recognized by the highest levels of government for his leadership and expertise in leveraging an issue-based investigation approach to identifying data characteristics that are potentially indicative of human trafficking.
In 2012, Mr. DeLuca was invited to present at the White House Forum to Combat Human Trafficking with a panel of colleagues from law enforcement and the technology industry. Mr. DeLuca regularly advises industry, government, and law enforcement agencies on typology development and data interrogation techniques to be more proactive and productive in detecting illicit financial activity.
Jody Myers, Chief Risk Officer, Western Union
Joseph (Jody) Myers is chief risk officer of the Western Union Company, where he is responsible for global enterprise risk management, including operational, information security, and compliance risks, as well as crisis preparedness and incident response. Previously, he was assistant general counsel and head of the Financial Integrity Group in the Legal Department of the International Monetary Fund, which supported IMF surveillance, program lending, and technical assistance programs, and which represented the IMF at the Financial Action Task Force and the G-20 Anti-Corruption Working Group.
Prior to joining the Fund in 2005, he worked on financial crime, corruption and terrorism issues as a director at the National Security Council at the White House, as a senior advisor to the Under Secretary of the Department of the Treasury, as assistant director and deputy chief counsel of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), and in private law practice. Mr. Myers is a graduate of Yale College and Vanderbilt University Law School.
This event was organized by Cathy Lesser Mansfield, director of MAFI, Cleveland Cohort.
Event Location
Virtual Event