Seventh Trade Law Fall Update
Friday, November 18th, 2022 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Event Description
Retooling Trade in a Fractured Global Economy—A Practice-Oriented Update on Trade and Customs Law
With globalization stalled, concerns over forced labor in supply chains, the increasing electrification of the auto sector and the need to comply with fast-changing security/sanctions, regulations have taken center stage in the practice of trade and customs law. While the divided government following the midterm elections might increase the controversies over domestic policy, a new Congress might grant President Biden Trade Promotion Authority (i.e., "Fast Track"), the lack of which has so far kept the United States out of new trade negotiations.
Join Professor Juscelino F. Colares and the Fall Update Organizing Committee in the Seventh Trade Law Fall Update, to be held in person and remotely (via Zoom).
Contact This Event Coordinator
Eric Siler
Event Location
The event will be held virtually and in-person.
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
George Gund Hall
Room A59, Moot Courtroom
11075 East Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44106