Stronger Together: Leadership for New Security & Economic Challenges
Thursday, April 20th - Friday, April 21st, 2023
Sponsored by the Canada-United States Law Institute at Case Western Reserve University School of Law and The University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law.
Thank you to the sponsors of the 47th annual Canada-United States Law Institute Conference
Attend virtually for one or both days
April 20 - Tune into the livestream. No registration required - $0
Attend in person for one day or both days
$50 - General Public
$0 - CUSLI Executive Committee, Sponsors, Faculty, Staff, and Students
Webcast Archive Content
Event Description
Stronger together than acting alone, Canada and the United States face significant security challenges of sourcing critical minerals (economic security), maintaining military readiness (North American Aerospace Defense Command and Arctic security), and global peacekeeping (NATO security). The 47th Annual Canada-U.S. Law Institute Conference on April 20 and 21, 2023, will analyze these issues by bringing together government officials, distinguished academics, practitioners and business leaders. This will occur on the heels of the first Biden-Trudeau Summit, where the countries’ two leaders will chart the path for being stronger together in today’s volatile world.
5.0 CLE credits are available for April 21st only for an additional $100 for Alumni and $200 for Non-Alumni. Payment is made on April 21st with a check or credit card if attending in-person or paying online if attending virtually.
Event Location
Gund Hall, Upper Rotunda on April 20, 2023.
Cleveland Botanical Garden on April 21, 2023.