1L Scavenger Hunt Launches the Lex Cup

Students returning to the law school after the Scavenger Hunt

On the last evening of orientation week, the energy was palpable as Case Western Reserve University’s new first-year JD and LLM students gathered in the law school’s courtyard, ready to embark on the first event of the inaugural Lex Cup tournament. The year-long tournament, designed to foster camaraderie and offer a respite from the rigors of law school, began with a scavenger hunt that took students on a journey through the law school and the surrounding University Circle area.

Students posing around a spartan helmet on the concrete walkway in the Quad

Six houses—Aequitas, Advocati, Force Majeure, Ejusdem Generis, Iustitia and Just Inter Gentes—competed fiercely, with students searching for 36 unique items that introduced them to the rich history and culture of their new academic home. Among the treasures sought were United States District Court Judge Charles R. Richey’s (LAW ’48) bronzed shoe, hidden in the depths of the law library’s basement, and the site of the former Barking Spider, a beloved indoor/outdoor hangout where law students have traditionally celebrated the end of exams.

As the students made their way to the courtyard for the start of the race, shouts of "Aequitas!" echoed through the rotunda, setting the tone for a spirited competition. Dean Paul Rose waved the green flag, officially starting the hunt and signaling the beginning of the Lex Cup.

The Lex Cup, piloted by the LLEAP faculty, is a novel initiative aimed at creating a sense of unity in the law school. Each house is assigned faculty, alumni, and peer mentors who guide and cheer them on throughout the year. The scavenger hunt, the first of six inter-house competitions, provided a fun way for students to familiarize themselves with the law school and its surrounding area.

Students pose with a statue on campus

"I thought this was a really fun way to learn more about the Case Western Reserve campus and the different sorts of activities and historical areas that we have access to," said Aabid Shivji, member of the winning Advocati House. "It also didn't hurt that it was a beautiful day and you could really feel the wind in your hair as you were running around!"

With orientation week drawing to a close, the hunt was a perfect capstone event, offering students a chance to bond with their housemates, explore the campus in a memorable way, and then enjoy burgers, chips and fresh corn. The competition doesn’t end here. The next event in the Lex Cup series is a baking contest, scheduled for September 19, where the houses will once again compete for points and pride.