CWRU’s Talking Foreign Policy Radio Program examines need to update the Geneva Conventions

Michael Scharf in recording studio

This August, the world will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions on the Law of War. In conflict after conflict, they have successfully limited the savagery of warfare.  But is there a need to update the Geneva Conventions in light of 21st century developments relating to autonomous weapons, cyber warfare and space war, as well as responding to modern-day terrorist groups?

In the May 28, 2024 broadcast (9 a.m. and 9 p.m.) of CWRU School of Law's “Talking Foreign Policy,” producer/host Michael Scharf has assembled a group of military, diplomatic and legal experts who will be discussing the need to update the Geneva Conventions. Expert guests include former Assistant Secretary of Defense Sandy Hodgkinson, former head of the Pentagon’s International Law Branch Greg Noone, President of the Public International Law and Policy Group Paul Williams, Director of the Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence Shannon French, and Cleveland State’s Distinguished University Professor Milena Sterio.

Talking Foreign Policy is broadcast on Cleveland’s NPR Station, WKSU 89.7 FM in Cleveland, and its syndicates throughout Ohio. It is streamed worldwide from Ideastream Public Media. It is also available to listen to as a podcast anytime after it airs at our website.

Talking Foreign Policy has aired quarterly since 2011. Recent episodes of the program have addressed such topical issues as the Ukraine Conflict’s Endgame, Responding to Global Warming, The International Indictment of Vladimir Putin and Lessons from the Afghanistan Fiasco. The May 28 broadcast/podcast provides a preview of our fall conference, “The Geneva Conventions at 75: Need for Innovation,” which will be held Sept. 26-27.