Students from Cleveland Central Catholic High School visit the Law Clinic

CCCHS Students with Matthew Rossman

Case Western Reserve University School of Law recently hosted a group of students from Cleveland Central Catholic High School for an immersion program within the Law Clinic. Students sat in on different sessions of law topics alongside CWRU students, learning about Appellate Litigation, Community Development, Criminal Defense and Intellectual Property. 

“CWRU students and professors made our students feel welcome and engaged them in class participation,” said a representative from CCCHS. “All our students agreed that this was a great opportunity to learn about different law practices and allowed our students to have a better understanding of career paths in law they can explore.” 

“My colleagues and I were really impressed by the insight and questions from the students and look forward to future visits from our friends at CCCHS,” said Matthew Rossman, co-director of the Law Clinic.