Our curriculum is designed to give you real-world experience matched with your in-class education. Practical training is the key component that makes you job-ready after graduation, so we start early in your first year. Through our 1L Experience, you will visit local courts and assist clients through our brief advice clinics and associations with legal service providers in the community.
In our clinics, labs, and practicums, you will work on cases with real clients and attorneys under the close supervision of our faculty. As you progress further in your education, the opportunities for you continue to grow, culminating with a capstone in your third year, where you will work in a full-time or part-time, semester-long externship in one of our nine clinics or in a capstone externship locally, nationally or abroad.
Explore the experiential education curriculum roadmap.
Want to know more about our practical training experiences? Read our latest news.

Our school features nine unique law clinics, giving you hands-on training in your field of study with full-time faculty support to guide you as you take on cases.

Legal Writing, Leadership, Experiential Learning, Advocacy and Professionalism (LLEAP) is a carefully crafted curriculum that provides the foundation for our top-rated experiential education program. It is designed to give you the skills you need to be ready for your summer job, externship, capstone or first job after graduation.

Under the supervision of our faculty, you will gain valuable experience preparing legal briefs and memoranda for judges, lawyers and advocacy groups for ongoing court cases.

With externship options around the world, we help you get experience in the areas of law that interest you through our extensive network of judges, agencies, and offices in the public, private, and non-profit sectors.

First-year students visit local courts and assist clients through our brief advice clinics and associations with legal service providers in the community.

Our students participate in a variety of local, national, and international externships every semester and summer—students like Ali, who spent a summer externing with the Greater Boston Legal Services – CORI & Re-entry Project and completed a research project over racial disparities in traffic stops in the state of Massachusetts.
I’m graduating with so much real-world practice, thanks to the incredible professors I’ve had. I feel like I’m ready to take the lead in any setting I work in and I’d never have had this confidence otherwise.