Pre-Clerkship Electives

Pre-Clerkship Electives are mini-courses sponsored by Case Western Reserve University faculty and students. There is a wide variation in course format. Instructors are encouraged to provide narrative comments on student performance that may be used as excerpts in the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE). Enrichment Opportunities are not required to meet graduation requirements and should be scheduled so as not to interfere with Foundations of Clinical Medicine (FCM) core activities such as RAMP and PD1.

Pre-Clerkship Electives fall within two categories. The first category includes courses that are valuable enrichment opportunities but are not acknowledged on the transcript. The second category includes pre-clerkship courses that meet the Electives Policy criteria and will be acknowledged on the transcript but students will not receive academic credit for the course. Information about pre-clerkship electives can be found in our Catalog. Please note that you must be logged in (the log-in button is in the upper right) to view all of the details.