
The Financial Regulators Gateway was originally created by Howard M. Friedman at the University of Toledo College of Law, and is now at the School of Law at Case Western Reserve University. This site is designed to provide online access to financial regulatory agencies around the world and to relevant statutes and rules from all jurisdictions. 

Find information on securities, futures, banking and insurance regulators and links to the statutes and rules they administer. Links take you to the name, address, phone and Fax numbers, email, and Internet Web addresses of regulatory agencies in the United States, individual states, Canada, and other nations.

Updating of Information

We update the Financial Regulators Gateway on a regular basis. Currently, no information is older than May 2007, and most of it is significantly more recent. Each jurisdiction now carries a "last updated" date. Please send corrections or additions to complianceprograms@case.edu.

Comparative Financial Regulation

While we list securities, banking and insurance regulators separately, there is a continuing trend toward unified financial regulators in a number of jurisdictions. For a discussion of functional regulation vs. consolidated regulation of financial institutions and markets, these remarks by the Director of the SEC's Office of International Affairs are of interest.