Exterior of the Law School Building

Our School

We’ve been training lawyers for over 125 years. But we're not focused on the past—we know what matters most is how we prepare you for your future.

A National Leader 

We are a nationally recognized law school in the heart of University Circle, a thriving cultural neighborhood near downtown Cleveland, Ohio.

Our international law, health law and intellectual property law programs are among the top in the nation. Leadership courses and practice experiences are infused throughout our innovative curriculum. All students begin working with real clients in their first year and participate in a semester-long, full-time or year-long half-time practice experience during their third year.

PreLaw/National Jurist ranks us as among the top 10 law schools that deliver the best public interest law opportunities and 6th best in the nation in practical training.

We offer JD, LLM and SJD degrees, as well as ten dual-degree programs.

Plus, JD students can study abroad after their 1L year at 17 partner schools or during their 3L year complete a foreign LLM degree at three partner schools:

  • Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid,
  • Middlesex University in London,
  • University of Paris Dauphine

Our Growing Presence 

About two-thirds of our students are from outside Ohio and more than 10,000 alumni live and work all over the world. Our graduates are employed in a wide variety of legal, government, nonprofit and business settings. Many of our alums are CEOs, law firm partners, government officials and other recognized leaders.

Expert Faculty 

Our faculty is ranked 30th in the nation in scholarly impact. They are noted experts in their fields and their first priority is the success of our students.

We have a welcoming, friendly environment that encourages collaboration between professors, administrators, staff, students and alumni. When you join our law school, you are part of our legal family.

Proud History 

We were one of the first schools accredited by the American Bar Association and have a long-standing commitment to diversity. We admitted our first African-American student in our first class in 1892. About 20 percent of our student body is composed of underrepresented minorities.

A Connected Institution 

We are part of Case Western Reserve University, a highly ranked research institution with more than 6,600 graduate and professional students and more than 5,150 undergraduate students.

The university is also home to the multiple other graduate schools—many of which we partner with for dual degrees: