Co-Educational Suites and Apartments

Suites and apartments may be selected as all-male, all-female or co-ed spaces. In the new SRV residence halls, double rooms must remain single-gender.

For Second-Year Experience housing, all suites in Murray Hill and Carlton Road can be co-ed.

Co-ed groups must agree to live together by completely filling any suite or apartment that they wish to select for the entire academic year. If there is a subsequent cancellation, you will be offered the opportunity to secure a replacement, but Housing reserves the right to reassign the remaining residents to same-gender accommodations if a replacement cannot be found. Housing also reserves the right to designate some areas as single-gender during the room selection process in order to preserve the balance of genders in a building or for other programmatic reasons.

Contrary to rumors, there is no gender ratio required for co-ed suites or apartments. Your group decides the make-up of the roommates (for example: four men and two women for a six-person suite).

Please note that if you are specifically interested in Gender Inclusive Housing, please view information on the Gender Inclusive Housing process

Participating in the lottery as a co-ed group does not identify your apartment as a GIH space.  GIH spaces need to be identified prior to the start of the lottery.