Makerspace Policies

Sears think[box] is a free and public access facility. As such, we make no claim to the intellectual property of the individuals who use our facility. 

Please be aware of the additional policies that apply to our makerspace:

Prototype Here, Manufacture Elsewhere

While Sears think[box] encourages the development of entrepreneurial products and services, we are not a production facility. The resources at think[box] are shared and equipment may not be monopolized for prolonged periods of time by a single user. Also, we cannot guarantee turnaround times or specific times of access to machines. Our staff will help you find professional manufacturing resources when your needs exceeds our capabilities.

Only rarely is it permissible to manufacture more than 10 of any given item at think[box].

If you are unsure whether your project would violate these policies, please contact us at

Weapons and Tools of Vandalism are Banned

Case Western Reserve University’s policies prohibit the production, modification, or use of weapons, weapon-like items (including toys, props, and representations), weapon accessories, weapon parts, ammunition, or tools of vandalism in our facility. We will report any attempts to produce these items to the appropriate the law enforcement agencies and, for student violations, to the Office of Student Conduct.

If you are unsure whether your project would violate this policy, please contact us at

Drug Paraphenelia is Banned

The University Code of Student Conduct prohibits possession or use of drug paraphernalia - defined as items that a reasonable person would believe are used in conjunction with drugs, narcotics or other controlled substances. Consistent with this, Sears think[box] does not allow the production, repair, or modification of drug paraphernalia, that is any equipment that is used to produce, conceal, and consume illicit drugs. This includes but is not limited to items such as bongs, roach clips, miniature spoons, and various types of pipes.

If you are unsure whether your project would violate this policy, please contact us at

Clean Up After Yourself

While we provide a shared workspace, each individual is responsible for cleaning up after themselves. Cleaning supplies are available throughout the building and upon request. Please speak with a think[box] staff member if you require assistance.

Consequences for Policy Violations

Access to Sears think[box] is a privilege and not a right. All policies are posted on our website and users are responsible for learning and following the policies. Violation of lab policies, knowingly or unknowingly, will result in consequences equivalent to the severity of the violation as decided by our full-time staff and may include ejection from the facility, banishment and legal action.

Document Sharing

At think[box], we encourage other facilities to adapt our documentation to suit their needs. Please send an email notification to and attribute Sears think[box] if you use, adapt or modify any portion of our documents and/or content.