With tools such as saws, sanders and computer-controlled routers to choose from, Sears think[box] is the perfect place to pursue your next woodworking project. Explore the equipment in our wood shop to find what you need—many of these devices can be used with plastics too! You can also explore wood shop supplies available at Sears think[box].

CNC Router
Create curved cuts, pockets and other three-dimensional features in wood or plastic.

Drill Presses
Add drilled holes quickly and easily to materials such as metal, wood and plastics.

Produce a flat surface along one side of a board’s length for indexing or joining.

Cut grooves, threads, shoulders, or axial holes into round parts, or change their diameter.

Miter Saw
Make precise angled cuts in wood or plastic to suit your project’s needs.

Paint Room
Spray a coating of paint on a device or pursue something more artistic in this space.

Panel Saw
Cut large sheets of plastic or wood down to size using the panel saw.

Manipulate wood to be a consistent thickness with flat surfaces on both sides.

Router Table
Hollow out or shape the edge profile of wood or plastic parts.

Table Saw
Make precision cuts or grooves in wood—whichever kind your project needs.

Vacuum Former
Thermoform plastic parts, molds, and packaging for your project.

Wood Bandsaw
Cut curves, rip lumber or crosscut short pieces of wood using this saw.

Wood Shop Sanders
Explore our range of sanding equipment that can suit your project’s needs.