Vaccine Carrier

Two people on a motorcycle delivering vaccines in Uganda

The Global Health Design Collaborative (GHDC) is a student organization that works with Makarere University in Uganda to improve health outcomes in Rural Uganda. In this project, an improved vaccine carrier was designed and built to help medical personnel increase vaccination rates in remote villages. Existing vaccine backpacks were bulky and non-ergonomic, making it harder to reach remote villages by foot without the vaccines heating up and denaturing. The new backpack, designed and built using the textiles resources at think[box], allowed clinicians to transport an insulated vaccine cooler faster and with less physical strain, helping to increase successful vaccination rates.


Jarrod Sinbaldi,
Matthew Yang,
Evan Vesper,
Issra Osman,
Hein Htet Aung,
Aman Shankardass,
Sunayana Jampanaboyana,