Cox International Law Center

Image of the world in bright and dark blues, with north america, africa and eurasia prominent

The Frederick K. Cox International Law Center was established in 1991 through a multimillion-dollar endowment from the George Gund Foundation. The Cox Center serves as the hub of the law school's international law program, which includes The Canada-U.S. Law InstituteInstitute for Global Security, Law and PolicyHenry T. King, Jr. War Crimes Research OfficeYemen Accountability Project and Talking Foreign Policy.

Recent News From the Center

  • Student Spotlight: Nicholas Vanarthos

    As an associate editor of the War Crimes Prosecution Watch newsletter, 3L Nicholas Vanarthos spent much of his second year learning about the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as issues related to the Ivory Coast, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Lake Chad Region in central Africa.

  • Student Spotlights: Jessica Chapman and Harper Fox

    Third-year law students Jessica Chapman and Harper Fox spent their summer on a self-designed international law research project around Western and Central Europe to study a topic they are both passionate about: memorialization and the impact of legacy work on local communities and visitors following situations of mass atrocities. 

  • CWRU Law’s Yemen Accountability Project Publishes 4th Annual White Paper Analyzing the Impact of the Civil War on Yemen’s Youngest Victims

    Over 11,000 children dead or injured, 13 million in need of humanitarian assistance, 9.2 million without access to drinking water, 2 million out of school, 3,904 recruited to fight, and the Traumatization of War -- this is the reality of children living through Yemen’s civil war.  

  • Now Available: The Indictment of Vladimir Putin -- A Podcast

    This spring, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for international crimes in Ukraine.  This was a historic moment.  It’s the first time a major world leader has been indicted by the International Criminal Court.  How will this affect the course of world events? 

  • 2023 Case Global Service Awards

    Following remarks by Michele Connell, the Global Managing Partner of Squire Patten Boggs, the international law faculty gathered to present eight outstanding student leaders with the 2023 Case Global Service Awards.

    The 2023 student award winners were: