Faculty Offer Letters

For faculty appointments with any CWRU pay (i.e. basic science or dual-paid appointments), departments must have both their faculty searches and offer letters approved prior to recruiting and hiring faculty members.

For faculty appointments without CWRU pay but on the tenure track/tenured, departments must have their offer letters approved but do not need search approval.

For all other faculty appointments (i.e. no CWRU pay and not on the tenure track), no search or offer letter approval is required if the department utilizes the updated offer letter templates.

Please click each tab below to learn more about the offer letter approval process. 

Faculty With CWRU Pay and/or on the Tenure Track
  1. Once a search is completed and a candidate has been identified, the department should submit a draft offer letter, candidate's CV, and the affirmative action approval for review. These materials should be submitted to Faculty Affairs (SOM_FacultyOfferLetters-Agreements@case.edu). Offer letter templates are located at the bottom of this page.
  2. The draft offer letter will be routed for approval. Offer letters require approval from various offices, including Research, Medical Education, Faculty Affairs, Finance, Space and Facilities Planning, Dean, and Provost.
  3. Once all approvals are received, the final draft will be sent to the department for review. The department should review the edits, confirm all changes, and share the candidate's email address.
  4. Faculty Affairs will send the offer letter via DocuSign for signature. Once a signed copy is received, Faculty Affairs will share it with the department.
  5. After receiving the signed faculty offer letter, the department should work to gather the materials necessary to initiate the faculty appointment process. Information on the faculty appointment process can be found here.
Faculty Without CWRU Pay and not on the Tenure Track

No offer letter approval is required, as long as the templates located at the bottom of the page are utilized. Information on the faculty appointment process can be found here. If you have questions or would like assistance with your faculty offer letter, please email Faculty Affairs at SOM_FacultyOfferLetters-Agreements@case.edu.

Offer Letter Templates

Please contact Faculty Affairs (SOM_FacultyOfferLetters-Agreements@case.edu) for offer letter templates. Please note that each full-time faculty appointment template requires you to also include the appendix at the end of the offer letter.
