
Woman walking across Quad

Professional Code of Conduct

The Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) School of  Medicine (SOM) is committed to the highest standards of professionalism and it is the explicit expectation that all SOM members will consistently promote a physically and psychologically safe culture that fosters the flourishing of all faculty, staff, and trainees to the benefit of our broader community while fulfilling our core missions of excellence in education,  research, and enhancing the health of our communities.  


Our Faculty Professional Code of Conduct relies on the following norms:

  • Integrity demonstrated by consistently behaving in an honest and trustworthy manner. This includes ensuring that appropriate credit is given for individual contributions. 
  • Respect for individual differences and opinions manifest by an openness to hear  others’ perspectives and engage in civil dialogue and communications 
  • Inclusive Excellence illustrated by engaging in practices to promote all faculty’s  personal and professional fulfillment.  
  • Kindness modeled by cooperative and collaborative behaviors, including collegiality  and appropriate professional service 

The above norms and examples are not exhaustive but provide guidance on the professionalism expectations that apply to all SOM faculty.  


These norms are consistent with the standards and expectations set forth for all faculty in the CWRU Faculty Handbook, CWRU Policies, and the professional codes of conduct adopted by the SOM’s hospital partners, (Code of Conduct CCF; Code of Conduct MH; Code of  Conduct UH; Code of Integrity VA).  

The norms and expectations articulated above may overlap with other existing CWRU and  CWRU SOM resources and are meant to complement these standards and requirements (e.g.,  Title IX, Research Misconduct, Student Mistreatment) and those put forth by national professional organizations (e.g., American Medical Association). Despite these existing expectations, standards and resources, there is no overarching Professional Code of Conduct that applies to all faculty in the SOM that specifically addresses how faculty are expected to treat others. A culture based on the norms articulated above is essential in light of faculty members’ responsibilities to CWRU, the SOM, colleagues, trainees, the broader medical scientific community, and the public. Faculty in the SOM serve as role models for our trainees and leaders in our communities; thus, maintenance of these standards is essential. The SOM is committed to providing the resources to help all faculty model the highest level of professionalism. 

The Professional Conduct Committee

The Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) is a Dean's committee charged with the responsibility of reviewing referred cases of alleged professional misconduct involving faculty of the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. 

Professionalism is based on the norms of integrity, respect, inclusive excellence, and kindness as articulated in the SOM Professional Code of Conduct. Professional Misconduct is a deviation from these norms. The PCC's role is to review such conduct and recommend a remediation plan when deemed necessary to the faculty member's Department Chair. 

The output of the PCC is a recommendation only and holds no disciplinary authority as it relates to a faculty member's employment, appointment status, or employment benefits. In such circumstances whereby the behavior being reviewed is felt to be outside the scope of the PCC, the PCC will refer such cases to the proper individual or office. 

To contact the Professional Conduct Committee, please email

Professional Conduct Committee Roster 2024

Reporting Professional Misconduct

Professional misconduct can be reported using the Accountability Management System. Each report is managed confidentially by a representative from one of the following areas - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence, Faculty Affairs, Medical Education, Graduate Education, or Human Resources. Click here for more information about the Accountability Management System.

Submit a Confidential Report