Faculty Departure Procedures

To ensure compliance with the School of Medicine Change of Institution Policy and state and federal guidelines, the Faculty Departure Checklist must be completed at the time when a full time faculty member (or a part time faculty member who is heavily involved in research) is ending his/her employment with the university, whether through resignation, retirement or termination.

The checklist serves as a tool for both the faculty member and his/her department and must be completed by the faculty member in conjunction with his/her department/division administrator and chair. Please send any inquiries or submissions to somfacultydeparture@case.edu.

Exit Interview

Please note that all departing full time faculty are required to schedule an exit interview with Dr. Cynthia Kubu, Vice Dean for Faculty.

To schedule the exit interview, please call 216-368-3870.

Departure Materials

Helpful Links

Forms & Additional Information