2024-2025 Faculty Toolkit Sessions
All sessions held via Zoom, usually on the third Tuesday of the month from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.
Zoom recordings linked below require individuals to sign in before viewing.
August 27, 2024: Writing Your Personal Statement – Narcisz Fejes
October 15, 2024: Tenure Track Appointment & Promotions – Nicole Demming
November 19, 2024: Academic Appointments & Promotions – Nicole Demming
December 17, 2024: Research Misconduct Process/Tips to Safeguard Research – Tracy Wilson-Holden
February 18, 2025: Research Resources for Faculty – Tracy Wilson-Holden
March 4, 2025: Data, Biospecimens & Materials: Overview & Processes – Meghan Schane-Rambert
March 18, 2025: Panel: Preparing for Your Annual Faculty Review – Jonathan Karn, Hope Barkoukis, Rita Ryan
April 15, 2025: Mentoring of Trainees & Junior Faculty/Making the Most of Mentoring – George Dubyak, Agata Exner, Ruth Keri
May 20, 2025: Preparing for Retirement – Plans, Transition & Legacy – Cynthia Kubu
Previous Faculty Toolkit Sessions
- August 29 - Hospital Faculty Use of CWRU Technology | Link to corresponding slides: Pamela Hlavin, Project Manager, Information Technology Systems
September 19 - Data Use Agreements | Link to corresponding slides
Meghan Schane-Rambert, Asst. Vice President, Pre-Award Services & Agreements -
October 17 - Being an Ally Against Implicit Bias
Tina Lining, Director of Diversity and Inclusive Excellence -
November 14 - Preparing for Your Annual Review
Hope Barkoukis, Clifford Harding, and Corey Smith -
December 12 - NTT promotions | Corresponding Slide Deck
Nicole Deming, Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs -
January 16, 2024 - Tenured/TT Promotions (and transfers/promotions to the TT) | Link to Corresponding Slide Deck
June 26th, 2024 -- Women in Leadership: Untangling the Double Bind
August 23 - Hospital Faculty Use of CWRU Technology
Pamela Hlavin, Project Manager, Information Technology Systems -
September 13 - The Business Side of Research
Tracy Wilson-Holden, Assistant Vice President for Research Integrity and Joan Schenkel, Associate Vice President for Research -
October 11 - Being an Ally Against Implicit Bias
Tina Lining, Director of Diversity and Inclusive Excellence -
November 8 - Responsible Employee Reporting/Mandatory Reporting
Rachel Lutner, Senior Associate Vice President for Equity -
December 13 - Data Use Agreements (DUA)
Tracy Wilson-Holden, Assistant Vice President for Research Integrity and Joan Schenkel, Associate Vice President for Research -
May 9 - What Does the Dean’s Office Really Do?
Elizabeth Fehsenfeld, Chief of Staff, SOM -
June 13 - Applying for NIH SBIRs and STTRs: How to Set Yourself (and Your Company) Up for Success
Tracy Wilson-Holden and Joan Schenkel
January 19 - "Senior Level Promotions for Faculty in the Non-Tenure Track" - speaker, Nicole Deming, Assistant Dean, Faculty Affairs and Human Resources, SOM (recording available until June 15, 2021)
February 16 - "Senior Level Promotions for Faculty in the Tenure Track" - speaker, Nicole Deming, Assistant Dean, Faculty Affairs and Human Resources, SOM (recording available upon request)
March 16 - "Tips for Successful Writing" - speaker, Gabrielle Parkin, Interim Director, Writing Resource Center (it can take some time before the video begins - thank you for your patience)
April 20 - "The Business Side of Research" - speaker, Tracy Wilson-Holden, Executive Director, Research Integrity, Education & Outreach, Office of Research Administration
May 18 - "Evaluating Opportunities" - speaker, Susan Freimark, Director of Faculty Development & Diversity, SOM
June 15 - "Giving and Receiving Feedback" - speaker, Danielle Haslett, Manager of Human Resources, Faculty Affairs and Human Resources, SOM
July 20 - "Tips on Lab and Project Management" - panel discussion with Kristian Baker, PhD, Darcy Freedman, PhD, MPH, and Edward Yu, PhD, followed by a question and answer period.
August 20 - "Junior & Senior Promotions in the Non Tenure Track" - speaker, Nicole Deming, Assistant Dean, Faculty Affairs and Human Resources
September 21 - "Financial Literacy for Faculty" - speaker, Matthew Lester, Vice Dean for Finance
October 19 - Cancelled - "Who's Who and What's What in the SOM" - speaker, Susan Reichert, Executive Assistant to the Dean
November 16 - "Being an Ally Against Implicit Bias" - speaker, Tina Lining, Director of Faculty Diversity and Inclusion
December 14 - "In the Parking Lot on the First Day of Nursery School" - panel speakers, Jessica Cooke Bailey, Corinne Bazella, Agata Exner, and Ellen Rome
- Promotion for Faculty in the Non Tenure Track (January 21, 2020) Speaker: Nicole Deming
Yoga Benefits: Experience Accessible Tools for Your Day (November 12) Speaker: Judi Bar
Negotiating Your Way Forward (June 18, 2019) Speakers: Mark Chance, Hope Barkoukis, and Marjorie Greenfield
Grant Re-submission Strategies - cancelled
Preparing Grants & Identifying Funding Sources (April 16, 2019) - canceled
Promotion & Tenure for Faculty in the Tenure Track (March 19, 2019) Speakers: Nicole Deming, Brian Cobb, Dana Crawford, Richard Martin, Jo Ann Wise
Promotion for Faculty in the Non-Tenure Track (February 19, 2019) Speakers: Nicole Deming, Brian Cobb, Raed Dweik, Richard Martin, and Carol Toris
Never Too Young (Or Old) to Start Retirement Planning (January 15, 2019) Speakers: Mike Smith, Michelle Elliot, and Courtney Petkovich, TIAA (Amy Sheldon, CWRU Benefits in audience for Q & A) (podcast not available)
Best Practices and Tips for Interviewers (November 20, 2018) (podcast not available). (Handout 1). (Handout 2).
Meditation (October 23, 2018) (Speaker: Sally Sherwin)
Wellness - Advances, Myths & Mysteries in Successful Aging Lifestyle Strategies (September 25, 2018) (Speaker: Hope Barkoukis).
Title IX - Sex in the Workplace: Sex, Gender Identity & Expression, Sexual Orientation, and Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace (Speaker: Gia Adeen) (podcast not available).
Social Media for Professionals: Best Practices and Tips for Success (July 17, 2017) (Speakers: Jennifer Roffey and Lindsay Lodge).
Navigating the Research Funding Maze (May 15, 2018) (Speakers: Kristian Baker, Brian Cobb, Chris Flask, Alan Levine, and Cameron McIntyre).
Mentoring for Mentees and Mentors (April 17, 2018) (Speakers: Martha Sajatovic, James Spilsbury, and Usha Stiefel).
Work-Life Balance and Time Management (March 20, 2018) (Speaker: Susan Freimark) (Slides) (Handout Wheel of Life) (Handout Covey's Grid).
Promotion for Faculty in the Tenure Track (February 20, 2018) (Speaker: Nicole Deming).
Promotion for Faculty in the Non-Tenure Track (January 16, 2018) (Speaker: Nicole Deming).
Self-Care and Stress Management (November 27, 2017) (Speaker: Aviad Haramati).
Identifying Students At Risk (October 17, 2017) (Speakers: G. Dean Patterson, Jr., Vicki Moore-Holzhauer).
Mentoring for Mentees (September 19, 2017) (Speakers: Amy Hise, Abdus Sattar, & Jim Spilsbury).
Experts vs. Novices: Different styles that can inform your teaching strategies (August 15, 2017) (Speaker: Blaine Martyn Dow) (podcast not available).
Legal Updates for Faculty (July 18, 2017) (Speakers: Michelle Arendt, Peter Poulos).
Teaching Clinical Reasoning Skills in the MD Curriculum (June 20, 2017) (Speaker: Michael Dell).
Mentoring and Sponsorship for Mentors (May 16, 2017) (Speakers: Martha Sajatovic & Richard Zigmond).
Wellness Recommendations: Good, Bad, or Purely Health Fraud (April 18, 2017) (Speaker: Hope Barkoukis).
How to Write an Excellent Grant (March 21, 2017) (Speakers: Nicole Steinmetz & Chris A. Flask).
Promotions and Tenure (February 21, 2017) (Speakers: Dan Anker, Peter Zimmerman, Marjorie Greenfield, Danny Manor, Robert Martin, and Martha Wright). (Presentation slides).
Teaching Portfolios in Support of Promotion (January 17, 2017) (Speaker: Klara Papp). (Handout).(Sample MD). (Sample PhD). (Slides).
Research Team-Building Skills for Faculty (October 18, 2016) (Speakers: Jill Barnholtz-Sloan, James Kazura, & Kurt Stange).
Sex, Gender Identity & Expression, Sexual Orientation, and Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace (September 20, 2016) (Speaker: Gia Adeen) (podcast not available).
Recognizing and Addressing Student Distress (August 16, 2016) (Speakers: Jes Sellers, G. Dean Patterson, Jr.).
Improving Presentation (or Teaching) Skills (June 21, 2016)(Speakers: Sarah de Swart, Bill Doll). (Handout 1). (Handout 2). (Presentation Slides 1). (Slides 2).
Grant Preparation - Advice from Successful Applicants (May 17, 2016) (Speakers: Jeff Coller, Bill Schiemann, Nicole Ward).
Tips on Developing a Research Proposal and Budget, Finding Funding Opportunities, and Managing Your Funded Research Projects (April 19, 2016) (Speaker: Robin Bissell). (Presentation Slides unavailable).
Promotion and Tenure (March 15, 2016) (Speakers: Nicole Deming, Brian Cobb, Peter Zimmerman, Danny Manor, Patrick Catalano, Richard Martin). (Presentation Slides).
Difficult Conversations in the Workplace (February 16, 2016) (Speaker: Kathryn Miller).
Teaching Portfolios (January 19, 2016) (Speaker: Klara Papp) (Handout) (Presentation Slides).