Graduate Student Life at CWRU

Biomedical Graduate Student Organization

The Biomedical Graduate Student Organization (BGSO) seeks to unite biomedical graduate students pursuing master's and doctoral degrees in various biomedical graduate programs in the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, with the ultimate goal of enriching the student experience and promoting career and professional development.

BGSO was created by biomedical graduate students to represent and address the unique needs of all biomedical graduate students at Case Western Reserve University. In discussions with students, we have identified many important issues affecting student quality of life and educational training. We are committed to ensuring there is strong communication from the administration. BGSO will work with students and administrators to improve awareness about issues via newsletters, social media, and relevant seminars. 

BGSO is committed to creating social opportunities to allow students to create a supportive peer network. We are in regular communication with graduate department leadership and are committed to sharing student concerns whether they regard equity in academia, curriculum, training opportunities, or university resources. We hold regular general assembly meetings and social events. 

What We Do

  • Promote social and professional interaction between graduates and professionals of the School of Medicine
  • Ease the transition into graduate school
  • Connect students with appropriate university resources
  • Advocate for the ever-changing needs of students

Alliance for Advancing Diverse Initiatives of Graduate Students

The underrepresented minority (URM) graduate students’ representative body of Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine is in development and is known as the Alliance for Advancing Diverse Initiatives of Graduate Students (AADIGS). 

With a goal to foster and elevate student identity groups, as well as promote, engage, and advance initiatives that build upon graduate students in the various social, racial, ethnic and cultural interests with others within the Case Western Reserve University community.

If you're interested in building your community, reach out to Isaac Anaya to get started!

SACNAS Chapter

The Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is a society of scientists dedicated to fostering the success of Chicano/Hispanic and Native American scientists — from college students to professionals — to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in science.

The SACNAS Chapter here at CWRU is dedicated to helping diverse students with professional development and mentoring resources in STEM and other fields.

Graduate Student Council

The Graduate Student Council (GSC) is the university-wide governing body from all graduate students at CWRU. They have a variety of ways to get involved, and have many programs throughout the year dedicated to the experience and development of graduate students.

University-Wide Offices

The departments of the Division of Student Affairs meet the academic and co-curricular needs of CWRU students and the university. Explore the following offices.

Graduate Student Life

The Office of Graduate Student Life's goal is to provide resources and detailed information that will assist graduate students during their time at CWRU, and provide the resources they need to be successful personally, professionally and academically.

Explore the Office of Graduate Student Life.

Student Activities and Leadership 

The Office of Student Activities and Leadership provides a variety of programs, events, organizations, and leadership opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students.

View the Office of Student Activities and Leadership.

Dean of Students

The Dean of Students Office serves in an advocacy role for all students. The office assists students, parents, faculty and staff with all matters related to student life for academic success at CWRU, and provides support of students experiencing a range of challenges.

Explore the Dean of Students Office.

Disability Resources

Disability Resources is committed to assisting all CWRU students with disabilities by creating opportunities to take full advantage of the University's educational, academic, and residential programs.

Learn more about Disability Resources.

Flora Stone Mather Center for Women

The Flora Stone Mather Center for Women empowers all women and promotes gender equity and inclusion throughout the Case Western Reserve University community.

Explore the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women.

LGBT Center 

The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center exemplifies Case Western Reserve University’s commitment to serving its diverse student, staff, faculty, and alumni.

Learn about the LGBT Center.

Multicultural Affairs

The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) works to develop an inclusive CWRU community, one that supports all students, respects and celebrates their identities, and facilitates their success.

Explore the Office of Multicultural Affairs.

Student Centers 

Thwing Center is a central gathering place for students, faculty, and staff at Case Western Reserve University, housing several student and staff organizations, outside community institutions, and space for campus and community events in meeting rooms or the Thwing Ballroom.

Learn about Student Centers.

University Health and Counseling Services 

The mission of UH&CS is to advance the success of our diverse student body through integrated medical, mental health, and wellness services, and to promote a culture of safety, respect, and global citizenship that fosters lifelong resilience.

Learn more about University Health and Counseling Services.